[This page was updated on March 21, 2025]       

Bruce  Duff ie  Interviews


The following is a list of the people I have interviewed.  <<<NOTE: The dates and indications listed here are the usage, not when the conversations took place.>>>  The names are not in alphabetical order.  There is a summary of symbols and abbreviations at the end, following the last entry.

When posting interviews, I try to send the link to my guest, or their family, or their agent.  With this message goes permission to use the link in any way they choose - which includes posting on their own website.  Some post the link, and a few reproduce the interview in part or its entirety.  Where it is known to me, I have mentioned this below.  I have also noted where permission has been granted to others to use the material in books, dissertations, publications, presentations, videos, etc.  There are many other instances where these interviews have been cited in books, articles, etc, and that pleases me.  There are also a few instances where I have been informed that an interview has been reproduced without my knowledge or permission... (!)  

The listings are grouped in this order:

Composer; Librettist; Conductor; Choral Director;

[INSTRUMENTALISTS]Piano; Piano Technician; Organ & Harpsichord; Harp; Accordion; Guitar; Lute; Balalaika; Violin; Viola; Cello; Gamba; Double Bass; String Quartet; Flute & Recorder; Oboe; Clarinet & Basset Horn; Bassoon; Contrabassoon; Saxophone; Harmonica; Trumpet & Baroque Trumpet; French Horn; Trombone; Tuba; Percussion; Instrument Builder & Electronics;

[SINGERS]Soprano; Mezzo & Contralto; Counter-Tenor; Tenor; Baritone; Bass-Baritone; Bass; Actor/Narrator;

[PRODUCTION PERSONNEL]Stage Director & Designer; Producer/Coach/Prompterince; Ballet Master; Captain of Supers; Backstage Personnel;

[MANAGEMENT]Manager/Public Relations; Record ProducerAuthor/Critic/Historian/etc.; Artist.

Interviews and photos which appear on Bruce Duffie's website have links.

To see a list of those interviews which appear on this website, click HERE.
To view Bruce Duffie's Personal Website, click HERE.
To send him E-Mail, click  HERE.

Note that several of the interviews have been translated into Japanese and published.  
To read a brief biograpy of Bruce Duffie in Japanese, click HERE.
A few interviews have also been translated into Chinese and published... some with
permission, and others without!
There have been quotes from several interviews in various newspapers and magazines,
mostly in English, but a few in other languages.  I have noted those which I know of,
but there are probably others which have not (yet?) come to my attention.

Interviews - Composer

Gian Carlo Menotti [3] WNIB 3/20/81, {7/7/91}, 7/6/96; WN (")7/81;  YALE (all 3);   This Website
     Quote used in the Columbia Star, July 13, 2012

Gunther Schuller [2] WNIB 5/8/81, 11/24/90, 11/25/95;  YALE (both);  This Website

Hans Werner Henze NU; WNIB 6/30/86, 6/30/96;  YALE;  This Website
     Cited on Jones Music Library website of Baldwin Wallace University

Steve Reich [2] WNIB 8/31/86, 10/4/86, 10/6/91, 10/5/96;  YALE (both);  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate these interviews into Japanese and publish them  (Part 1)  (Part 2)
          This translation of both interviews has also been published as an 80-page paperback book, available on Amazon, and in two independent bookstores in Tokyo and Kyoto
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish portions of the Happa-no-Kofu translation  (Part 1)  (Part 2)  (Part 3)  (Part 4)
     Quote used in St. Louis Magazine March 9, 2017 (promoting performances of The Cave)
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Vittorio Rieti [ph] WNIB 1/26/86, 1/26/88, 1/30/93; {Delta T 1/89};  This Website

Elliott Carter [ph] NU; WNIB 12/11/88, 12/18/93, 12/12&19/98, 9/12/00;  WNUR 1/24/09, 6/9/18;  CCIR 12/6/08, 5/21/13, 1/20/15;
                                                               {Delta S 9/88};  YALE;  NMC Winter/Spring 2008-09;  Classical Connect
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Virgil Thomson [ph] WNIB 11/26/85, 11/24/91, 11/24/96; {Delta T 3/89};  YALE;   NMC Summer, 2002
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001 

Robert Ward [2] WNIB 5/23/85, 9/17/86, 9/15/87, 9/12/92, 9/21/96; WNUR 4/10/10, 8/21/10;  CCIR 5/25/10;  NU;  (#2 - TOJ #4/2000) ;  YALE (both);  (#1 - This Website)
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001

Otto Luening [ph] WNIB 6/17/86, 3/15/87, 6/16/90, 6/18/95, 11/10/96, 6/19/00; NU;  YALE; {Delta T 7/87};  This Website

Jack Beeson [ph] WNIB 7/14/87, 7/14/91, 7/13/96, 9/12/99; NU;  YALE;  TOJ #4/2015

Alan Hovhaness WNIB 3/18/86, 9/13/87, 3/19/91, 3/30/96; NMC Spring/Summer 2005 ; YALE

Lou Harrison [2/ph] WNIB 6/3/86, 5/14/87, 5/9/92, 5/11/97; UAL 11/88;  YALE (#2 only);   This Website (also, #2 only)

William Mathias
WNIB 12/3/85, 11/2/89, 8/1/92, 10/5/94, 11/13/99; NU;  WNUR 12/25/05, 12/22/07, 12/20/08, 12/22/18;  CCIR 1/9/07, 7.9/13;  This Website

Sir Peter Maxwell Davies [ph] NU - printed copy; {WNIB 9/4/94, 9/4/99};  Chamber Opera of Memphis;
     Permission granted to the BBC, allowing them to read portions of the interview on the program Something Understood, broadcast November 12, 2017
     Link to the interview included in the comments section of an item by Peter Donohoe on Slippedisc, March 17, 2016

Morton Gould [2/ph] WNIB 12/9/86, 12/10/88, 5/26/90, 12/12&25/93, 12/12/98; WNUR 12/18/05;  CCIR 8/22/06, 6/28/11;  NW 10/88; UAL & EAL 11/88;  YALE (#2 only);
               This Website (also #2 only)

Ellen Taaffe Zwilich WNIB 2/28/86, 12/16/86, 1/31/89, 4/30/94, 4/11/99; NU;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Portion of this Japanese translation included in the paperback book Ten Women Composers of 20th Century America

Normand Lockwood [ph] WNIB 4/15/86, 4/9/91, 3/3/96;  This Website

Pierre Boulez [2] WNIB 3/26/87, 4/19/87, 3/12&26/95, 3/11&18&26/00;  WNUR 3/26/05, 3/20/10, 5/5/18;  CCIR 11/15/05, 7/24/07, 3/2/10;  This Website
     Link to the interviews in an item on Slippedisc, Januayr 7, 2016
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Lee Hoiby [2/+] NU; WNIB 2/19/91, 2/17/96;  WNUR 5/26/07, 6/27/15;  YALE (both);  This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001
     Permission granted to BMOP/sound, the record label of the Boston Modern Orchestra Project, to use excerpts from both interviews in a booklet accompanying
               their recording of Bon Appetit! and The Italian Lesson

Philip Glass [2] NU; NU; WNIB 1/31/87, 9/17/87, 1/25/97  (Photo);  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Miriam Gideon [ph] WNIB (")10/25/86, 10/26/96; NU;  YALE;  This Website

Ellis B. Kohs [ph] WNIB 5/17/86, 5/11/91, 5/5/96;  This Website

Donald Erb WNIB 1/17/86, 1/18/97; NU;  WNUR 4/30/06, 2/11/12; [N&W]
     Quote used on the website of WOSU, May 12, 2016

Louise Talma [ph] WNIB (")10/28/86, 10/27/96;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation

Jacob Avshalomov WNIB 3/31/87, 3/28/89, 3/27/94, 3/27/99 {Aaron's 100th: 11/1/94};  WNUR 3/19/06;  This Website

Robert Kelly [ph] WNIB (")9/23/86, 9/14/96;  This Website

George Rochberg WNIB 11/1/86, 7/5&23/88, 7/4/98;  WNUR 8/25/07, 6/29/13;  YALE;  This Website

Lester Trimble [ph] WNIB (")8/26/86, 1/4/87, 8/28/88, 8/29/93, 8/30/98;  YALE;  This Website

Antanas Rekašius [L] WNIB 7/24/88, 7/24/93, 7/25/98; NU;  This Website

William Schuman [ph] WNIB 4/3/86, 1/4/88, 8/4/89, 8/4/90, 12/10/92, 8/26/95, 8/6/00;  WNUR 4/7/12, 7/4/15;  CCIR 3/26/13;  YALE;  This Website
     Quote used, and link to the full interview included in an item on Slippedisc, March 26, 2016

David Diamond [2/ph] WNIB (")7/8/86, 7/7/90, 7/9/95, 7/8/00;  WNUR 7/10/05, 7/4/09, 2/10/18;  CCIR 6/6/06, 8/31/10;  YALE (#2 only);  This Website (also #2 only)
     Second interview (audio) was placed on YouTube by his family, to whom I had sent a copy as a courtesy.

Bernard Heiden [ph] WNIB (")9/2/86, 8/19/90, 8/26/95, 8/5/00;  This Website

Norman Dello Joio [ph] WNIB 1/27/87, 1/24/88, 1/31/93, 1/24/98; NU; {Delta T 1/88};  YALE;  This Website

Andrew Imbrie [ph] WNIB 7/1/86, 4/20/91, 4/6/96;  YALE:  This Website;
     Quoted in The New York Times Obituary, 2/11/16

Francis Thorne [ph] WNIB 6/22/87, 6/21/92, 6/21/97; NU;  YALE;  This Website

George Perle WNIB 5/5&31/90, 5/14/95, 5/7/00;  WNUR 6/9/07, 1/28/12; 7/7/12;  CCIR 2/7/12;  YALE;  This Website

Karel Husa [2/ph] WNIB (")8/5/86, 8/25/89, 8/10/91, 8/4/96; WNUR 6/20/09, 8/31/13;  CCIR 6/22/09;  UAL 3/89;  YALE (#2 only);  NMC Winter, 2001 (also #2 only)
     Quote used, and link to the full interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, December 15, 2016

Dominick Argento NU; WNIB 3/17/87, 10/27/87, 10/24/92, 10/25/97;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, February 21, 2019

Hugo Weisgall WNIB 10/13/87, 6/12/90, 10/7/92, 4/5/97, 10/11/97;  YALE;  SONUS Spring 2008;  TOJ #3, 2012
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Ned Rorem WNIB 10/22/87, 5/14/88, 10/23/88, 10/23/93, 10/28/98, 8/5/99;  WNUR 10/25/03, 6/14/14;  YALE;  This Website

Gene Gutchë WNIB 11/17/86, 7/7/87, 7/4/92, 7/5/97;  WNUR 12/8/07, 3/23/13, 6/29/19;  CCIR 9/22/08;  UAL 1/89;  This Website

Joseph Fennimore WNIB 4/16/87, 4/12/90, 4/22/95, 4/15/00;  UAL 3/88;  This Website

WIlliam Neil WNIB 2/23/87, 8/2/88, 1/12/89, 1/15/94, 1/31/99;  This Website

David Amram WNIB 7/16/87, 7/5/88, 11/4/90, 11/19/95, 11/19/00;  YALE;  This Website

Ross Lee Finney  [ph] WNIB (")12/23/86; 12/22/91, 12/15/96;  SONUS Spring 2008

Ulysses Kay [ph] WNIB 1/7/86, 1/6/87, 2/18/89, 1/5/92, 1/5/97; {Delta S 1/88};  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation

William Bergsma [2/ph] WNIB (")12/28/86, 4/8/90, 4/13/91, 4/4/96;  UAL 7/88;  This Website

Ruth Shaw Wylie [ph] WNIB 6/23/96;  This Website

Sam Raphling [ph] WNIB 4/7/87, 3/18/90, 3/19/95;  This Website

William Bolcom [2/+] WNIB 11/11/86, 5/26/88, 10/3/89, 5/22/93, 5/6/98;  WNUR 12/5/04;  NU (#1);  This Website (both)
     Permission granted for Bolcom to post both interviews on his website

John McCabe [2] WNIB 4/15/89, 3/27/90, 4/9/94, 4/15&24/99;  WNUR 11/18/06; 1/7/12; 2/18/12  CCIR 11/27/07; 2/17/15;  This Website

Burrill Phillips [ph] WNIB 11/9/87, 11/8/92, 11/8/97;  This Website

Paul Pisk [ph] WNIB 5/16/88, 5/16/93, 5/9/98;  NU;  YALE;  This Website

Vaclav Nelhybel WNIB 9/21&29/89, 9/24/94, 9/26/99;  This Website
     Permission granted to Yasuhiro Murakami to translate this interview into Japanese and post it on his site

Robert Kapilow

Leo Smit [ph] {Delta S 3/89}; WNIB 1/12/91, 1/14/96;  YALE;  This Website

Vivian Fine [ph] WNIB 9/25/88, 9/26/93, 9/26/98; NU;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Portion of this Japanese translation included in the paperback book Ten Women Composers of 20th Century America

Vincent Persichetti [ph] WNIB 6/9/90, 6/24/95, 10/29/00;  YALE;  This Website
     Quotes used in an article in the Juilliard Journal marking his 100th birthday

György Ránki [via] WNIB 10/29/87, 11/29/92, 11/30/97;  This Website

Ernst Bacon [ph] WNIB 5/26/88, 5/23/93, 5/23/98;  This Website
     Link to the interview included on the webpage of the Ernst Bacon Society

Alfred Reed WNIB 1/26/91, 1/27/96;  This Website  
     Permission granted to Unisono, the magazine of the Swiss Wind Band Association, to use quotes in an article, published 2021 #1
     Quote (translated) used in Nuestras Bandas de Música, February 3, 2021, in an article marking his Centennial

Claude T. Smith WNIB 8/25/90

Michael Colgrass WNIB 4/23/87, 7/18/88, 4/25/92, 4/26/97;  WNUR 12/15/07, 4/20/13, 8/10/19;  CCIR 10/8/08;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

John Bavicchi WNIB 4/25/87, 4/26/92, 4/27/97;  WNUR 7/16/06, 8/3/13;  This Website

Hale Smith WNIB 2/8/88, 2/6/89, 2/23/90, 6/30/90, 7/2/95, 6/25/00;  WNUR 2/25/12, 7/14/12, 2/20/16;  CCIR 10/30/12;  This Website

T.J. Anderson WNIB 8/18/88, 2/11/90, 8/15/93, 8/16/98;  This Website

George Walker [ph] WNIB 6/30/87, 6/27/92, 6/29/97; {Delta T 5/88}; NMC Spring, 2004
     Quote from the interview was picked up by National Public Radio, and appeared as a memorial on their website, as well as those of several of their member stations, August 25, 2018
     Quote used again on the website of Classic FM, August 20, 2020
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

David Van Vactor [ph] WNIB 5/6/86, {5/8/91}, 5/4/96; NU; {Delta T 3/88};  This Website

Johan Franco [ph] WNIB 7/12/88, 7/11/93, 7/11/98; NU;  This Website

Robert Starer [ph] WNIB 9/28/87, 1/7/89, 1/8/94, 1/3/99; NU;  YALE;  This Website

Grant Fletcher [ph] {WNIB 10/31/93, / /98};  This Website

Elie Siegmeister [ph] WNIB 1/15/89, 1/16/94, 1/6/99; NU;  YALE;  This Website 

Irwin Bazelon WNIB 6/4/87, 5/7/88, 5/6/92, 6/1/97;  WNUR 10/7/06, 5/4/13, 8/24/19;  This Website  

Ezra Sims [ph] WNIB 1/16/88, 1/17/93, 1/10/98; NU;  YALE;  This Website

Charles Wuorinen WNIB 6/9/88, 6/6/93, 6/7/98; NU;  YALE;  This Website
     Cited in a Gramophone article, March, 2019, and reposted on their website one year later as a tribute upon his death
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Lukas Foss WNIB 7/28/87, 8/15/92, 8/17/97; WNUR 8/11/07, 4/4/09, 5/28/16; NU;  YALE;  This Website

Elinor Remick Warren [ph] WNIB 2/24/90, 2/26/95, 2/26/00; {EAL 11/88};   This Website
     Quotes used in Song of America (Radio series produced by Miriam Lewin), Segment #9, "There is no Gender in Music" March 2012
     Quotes used in The incredible story of Elinor Remick Warren, one of America's most in-demand 20th century composers, posted on the website of Classic FM, July 20, 2021

Jean Eichelberger Ivey [ph] WNIB 7/3/88, 7/3/93, 2/12/98; NU;  This Website

Douglas Allanbrook WNIB 4/6/91, 4/20/96;  WNUR 5/26/12, 5/9/15;  CCIR 5/29/12;  This Website

Alva Henderson [ph] WNIB 5/13/90;  This Website

Arthur Berger [ph] WNIB 5/16/87, 5/16/92, 5/17/97; NU;  This Website

Daniel Pinkham [ph] WNIB 6/5/88, 6/5/93, 6/6/98; NU;  YALE;  This Website

Elliott Schwartz WNIB 4/11/87, 1/28/91, 1/21/96;  This Website

Ulf Grahn WNIB 5/28/88, 1/19/92, 1/26/97;  This Website

Joan Tower WNIB 9/ /88, 9/5/93, 9/5/98;  YALE;  NMC Spring, 2001
     Quote used in Oregon Arts Watch, July 7, 2017
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish portions of the Happa-no-Kofu translation  (Part 1)  (Part 2)
     Unedited audio posted on the Hampsong Foundation website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Pozzi Escot WNIB 10/1/88, 10/2/93, 10/3/98; NU; NEC;  YALE;  SONUS Fall 1989
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation

Kenneth Gaburo WNIB 7/6/91, 7/20/96;  WNUR 8/17/02, 5/18/13;  This Website

Robert Stern WNIB 5/7/89, 5/22/94, 2/6/99;  This Website

David Ward-Steinman WNIB 12/4/87, 11/9/91, 11/9/96;  WNUR 5/5/07, 4/5/14;  This Website

Raymond Wilding-White WNIB 10/10/87, 3/1/88, 7/28/90, 10/10/92, 10/12/97

Julia Smith [ph] WNIB (")6/21/87, 1/27/91, 1/27/96; {Delta S /89};  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Ralph Shapey WNIB 11/7/87, 3/10/91, 3/10/96;  WNUR 8/10/02, 5/31/08;  This Website

Charmian Tashjian WNIB 6/6/87, 1/26/88, 2/19/95;  This Website

Knut Nystedt WNIB 2/27/88, 9/12/90, 9/9/95, 9/16/00

William Schmidt WNIB 6/16/88, 3/13/91, 3/9/96;  WNUR 6/23/07, 1/31/15;  This Website

David Epstein [ph] WNIB 10/6/90, 10/1&8/95, 10/1/00;  This Website

Gardner Jencks [ph] WNIB 1/11/92, 1/12/97;  This Website
     Permission granted to use portions of the audio in a film for the Jencks Foundation

Milton Babbitt
WNIB 5/4/91, 5/4/96;  YALE;  This Website

James Cohn WNIB 5/ /91, 2/6/93, 2/14/98;  WNUR 1/15/06, 2/9/08, 12/31/16;  This Website

Vladimir Ussachevsky [ph] WNIB 2/4/90, 11/3/91, 11/3/96;  This Website
     Permission granted to NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) to use (audio) portions in a presentation on YouTube
     Permission granted to Robert Nasveld to use (audio) portions on his final podcast over NTR on Radio 4, Hilversum, Netherlands

Diane Thome WNIB 7/15/89, 1/4/92, 1/4/97;
     Permission granted for use by Sarah Bassingthwaighte for DMA degree at University of Washington

William O. Smith WNIB 9/22/91, 9/21/96;  This Website

Robert Hughes

Richard Patterson WNIB 1/3/88

Juli Nunlist [ph] WNIB 12/27/97;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Josef Alexander [ph] WNIB (")5/5/87, 5/17/92, 5/17/97;  This Website

William Mayer [ph] WNIB 11/18/90, 11/18/95, 11/11/00; {Delta S 1/89};  WNUR 11/20/05, 2/1/14;   NMC - Fall, 2006
     Link included on the composer's official website

Kent Kennan [ph] WNIB 4/18/88, 4/18/93, 4/8/98; {Delta T 11/88};  This Website

John Downey WNIB 10/6/87, 10/4/92, 10/7/97; WNUR 4/2/11, 7/30/11, 3/30/19;  CCIR 10/12/10;  This Website

Gardner Read WNIB 1/2/88, 1/3/93, 1/4/98;  WNUR 8/22/09, 4/3/10, 5/21/16;  CCIR 12/8/09;  YALE;  This Website

Richard Nanes [3] WNIB 7/23/87, 3/21/89, 1/28/90, 12/12/92, 12/20/97; UAL 1/88;  {Delta S 5/88}

Paul Fetler [ph] WNIB 2/17/90, 2/18/95, 2/19/00;  This Website

Charles Jones [ph] WNIB 6/10/90, 6/10/95, 6/18/00;  WNUR 4/14/07, 12/3/16;  YALE;  This Website

Leslie Bassett WNIB 1/22&24/88, 1/24/93, 1/18/98; NU;  This Website
     Quoted in the obituary in The New York Times, February 10, 2016
     Excerpt quoted and link to the interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, February 5, 2016
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Stephen Oliver

Benjamin Lees [ph] WNIB 1/9/89, 1/9/94, 1/9/99; NU;  YALE;  This Website

John Cage [ph] WNIB 9/5/87, 9/5/92, 9/13/97; NU;  YALE;  This Website; SONUS Spring 2016 (Vol 36, No. 2)
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation
     Permission given for large passages (approx 1350 words) to be used in Amrican Experimental Music: An Oral History by Dean Rosenthal (Oxford University Press, scheduled for publication in 2025)
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Miklós Rózsa [ph] WNIB 7/3/89, 4/18/92, 4/19/97; NU; Rozsa Archives;  This Website
     Permission granted to the Apollo Chamber Players (Houston, TX) to use audio segments as part of a pre-concert lecture on January 4, 2025

Stanisław Skrowaczewski [ph] WNIB 10/3/88, 10/3/93, 10/4&10/98; NU;  This Website

Mel Powell [ph] WNIB 2/13/88, 2/13/93, 2/7/98;  YALE;  This Website

Frank Wigglesworth [ph] WNIB 3/3/88, 3/20/93, 3/15/98;  YALE;  This Website

Leo Ornstein [ph] WNIB 12/11/87, 12/13/92, 12/7/97;  WNUR 3/5/11, 7/16/11, 3/16/19;  CCIR 4/5/11;  NU;  This Website

Isang Yun [ph G] [Translation by Dennis Russell Davies] WNIB (")9/21/87, 9/19/92, 9/21/97; SONUS Spring 2008;  NU - printed copy;
     Permission granted to WERGO records for use in CD booklet (WER 6716 2)
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Lionel Nowak [ph] WNIB 3/27/89, 9/14/91, 9/28/96;  This Website

Walter Mourant [ph] {Delta T 9/87}; 8/28/90, {8/19/00};  This Website

Rayner Brown [ph]  WNIB 2/23/92, 2/1/97;  This Website

Marvin David Levy  TOJ #3,1992; WNIB 10/27/98

Conlon Nancarrow [ph] WNIB 10/26/87, 10/25/92, 10/26/97; NU; {Delta T 3/88};  YALE;   This Website
     Permission given for large passages (approx 700 words) to be used in Amrican Experimental Music: An Oral History by Dean Rosenthal (Oxford University Press, scheduled for publication in 2025)
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Lawrence Moss [ph] WNIB 11/18/87, 11/15/92, 1/16/97; WNUR 6/30/07, 6/8/13; NU;  This Website

Hunter Johnson [ph] WNIB 3/19/88, 4/14/91, 4/13/96;  This Website

Frederic Balazs  This Website

Richard Hervig WNIB 11/23/87, 11/22/92, 2/21/98;  This Website

David Tudor WNIB 1/20/96;  YALE;   This Website
     Permission granted to Matt Rogalsky to use this material in his PhD thesis with the Music Department of the City University London (UK)

Robert Muczynski WNIB 3/19/89, 3/19/94, 3/20/99; WNUR 12/1/07, 7/30/16; UAL 5/88;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

John Corigliano
[2]  WNIB 1/14/88, 2/16/88, 3/13/90, 2/21/93, 2/15/98; WNUR 8/22/04, 7/20/13;  YALE;  Classical Connect
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Paul Cooper WNIB 4/9/88, 5/25/91, 5/18/96;  WNUR 4/7/07, 8/1/15;  CCIR 11/9/10;  This Website

Henry Brant [ph] WNIB 9/17/88, 9/13/98; NU;  YALE;  This Website

Roger Nixon [ph] {Delta T 9/88}; WNIB 8/10/96;  This Website

Leon Stein [ph] WNIB {9/16/90}, 9/17/95, 9/17/00;  This Website

Robert Helps [ph] WNIB 9/24/88, 9/25/93, 9/20/98; NU;  YALE;  WNUR 10/28/06, 8/29/15;  CCIR 8/24/07, 9/24/13; This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it

John Duffy WNIB 6/26/93, 6/14/98;  This Website

Marta Ptaszynska [2] WNIB 5/3/88, 7/31/93, 7/26/98;  This Website

Libby Larsen NU; WNIB 12/23/90, 12/24/95, 12/28/97, 12/24/00;  WNUR 7/21/07, 3/3/15;  YALE;  TOJ #1/2017
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Monroe Couper WNIB 5/8/94, 4/18/98;  This Website

Richard Rodney Bennett WNIB 3/30/91, 3/30/96;  WNUR 12/4/05, 1/16/10, 7/14/18;  CCIR 12/12/06, 10/16/12;  This Website

Thea Musgrave WNIB 5/29/88, 5/30/93, 5/17/98;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in the comments section of a 95th birthday tribute on Slippedisc, May 3, 2023

David Hollister WNIB 5/2/89, 5/1/94, 11/27/99;  This Website

Mary Jeanne van Appledorn [ph] NU; WNIB 8/7/88, 10/3/92, 10/6/97;  This Website

Robert Erickson [ph] WNIB 3/7/92, 3/8/97;  YALE;  This Website

Dika Newlin [ph]  SONUS Spring 2008;  This Website
     Link to the interview on the Newlin Music Prize website

John Donald Robb [ph] WNIB 6/14/92, 8/9/98;  This Website

Alfred Eisenstein [ph] {Delta T 11/88}; WNIB 11/14/89, {11/13/94, 11/12/99}

Joseph Goodman [ph] WNIB 11/28/88, 11/28/93, 11/28/98;  This Website

Robert Moffat Palmer WNIB 6/2&30/90, 6/3/95, 10/15/00;  This Website

Paul Lansky WNIB 6/19/89, 6/18/94;  WNUR 1/4/03, 12/7/13;  YALE;  This Website

Leo Kraft WNIB 7/25/92, 7/19/97;  WNUR 5/28/06, 2/21/09;  NMC Spring/Summer 2008

Kaija Saarijaho WNIB 10/11/92, 10/18/97

Terry Riley NU; WNIB 7/18/89, 6/24/90, 6/24/95, 6/24/00

Eric Stokes WNIB 7/14/90, 7/15/95, 7/15/00

William Kraft [ph] WNIB 9/5/88, 9/4/93, 9/6/98; NU;  YALE;  This Website

Irwin Swack WNIB 11/5/89, 11/6/94,11/7/99

Leon Levitch UAL 5/89; WNIB 7/18/90, 7/12/92, 7/5/97

Lalo Schifrin  [2] [ph//] UAL-X 9/88; WNIB 6/13/92, 6/21/97; This Website

Jean Berger [ph] WNIB 9/17/89, 9/24/94, 9/18/99;  This Website

Harold Blumenfeld WNIB 10/15/88, 10/17/93, 10/17/98;  This Website

Seymour Barab [ph] WNIB 1/13/91, 1/6/96;  This Website

Harold Shapero [ph] WNIB 4/ /90, 4/23/95, 4/29/00;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Ezra Laderman [ph] WNIB 6/24/89, 6/25/94, 6/20/99;  This Website

Richard Cumming WNIB 6/12/93, 6/20/98;  This Website

Robert Parris [ph] WNIB 5/20/89, 5/21/94, 5/22/99;  This Website

Leonard Kastle [ph] WNIB 2/11/89;  This Website

Homer Keller [ph] WNIB / /90, 2/19/95; {Delta T 3/89}

Robert Moevs WNIB 12/2/90, 12/3/95, 2/12/00;  This Website

Roger Goeb [ph] WNIB 10/8/89, 10/15/94, 10/9/99;  This Website
     Permission granted to Kile Smith to use quotes in a podcast of the Fleisher Discoveries [Free Library of Philadelphia]

Oliver Knussen [2] WNIB 6/28/97, 3/17/98; WNUR 1/26/08, 6/15/13; YALE (both);  This Website

Ernst Krenek [ph] WNIB 8/25/90, 8/20/95, 8/2/00;  YALE;  This Website

George Barati WNIB 5/13/89, 4/3/93

Robert Ian Winstin [2] WNIB 6/6/89, 7/24/90, 6/5/94, 6/5/99

Rev. Edward McKenna [2] WNIB 3/6/88, 10/7/89, 10/8/94, 10/2/99

Ronald Caltabiano  WNUR 10/31/04, 7/26/14

Paul Ramsier WNIB 9/27/97;  This Website

Ruth Schonthal WNIB 6/26/89, 6/26/94, 6/27/99;  YALE;   NMC Fall/Winter 2003
     Interview cited in a 100th birthday tribute on the website Women's Philharmonic Advocacy
     Interview cited on the website A Mondern Reveal: Songs & Stories of American Women Composers

Peter Schickele WNIB 7/17/90, 7/16/95, 7/16/00;  WNUR 8/21/05, 12/27/14;  YALE;  This Website
     Cited in an article "Schickele sans PDQ" in the Boston Musical Intelligencer, March 21, 2016
     Quote from the interview used is the obituary in The New York Times, January 17, 2024

Marcel Dick [ph] WNIB 8/27/88, 8/28/93, 8/29/98;  This Website

John Verrall [ph] WNIB 6/18/88, 6/13/93, 8/2/98;  This Website

Ludovico Einaudi WNIB 11/10/90;  WNUR 7/23/06, 3/28/15;  CCIR 9/24/07, 11/22/13

Emma Lou Diemer [ph] WNIB 11/8/97; {Delta T 7/87};  This Website

Herbert Fromm [ph] WNIB 10/29/88, 2/25/90, 2/25/95, 2/27/00

Max Schubel WNIB 4/11/92, 4/12/97

Annea Lockwood WNIB 9/1/90, 7/30/94, 7/25/99

Cecil Effinger WNIB 7/23/89, 7/24/94, 7/24/99;  This Website

Romeo Cascarino [ph] WNIB 9/27/92, 9/27/97;  WNUR 8/4/07, 1/14/17; This Website

Gordon Binkerd [ph] WNIB {5/19/91}; 5/19/97;  This Website

Katherine Hoover WNIB 12/5/92, 12/6/97;  WNUR 7/10/10, 3/12/11, 1/5/19;  This Website

Michael Torke WNIB 12/1/91;  WNUR 12/21/02, 9/18/05, 3/4/17;  This Website

David Raksin [ph] WNIB 8/2/92, 8/2/97;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to April James to use a quotation (which appears on the screen at the end) from the interview in a brief YouTube video tribute
     Link included on Cinescores Center website, which is under the paronage of the David Raksin Estate

Stephen Paulus WNIB 8/24/89, 8/27/94, 3/8/98, 8/28/99;  This Website

Frank Proto WNIB 7/20/91, 7/14/96;  This Website

David Stock WNIB 6/5/89, 8/15/89, 6/12/94, 6/6/99;  This Website

Oleg Gotskosik

Jack Gallagher WNIB 11/24/89, 6/28/97;  WNUR 1/1/06, 2/22/14;  CCIR 11/28/06, 4/24/13;  This Website

George Crumb [ph] WNIB 10/22/89, 10/23/94, 10/31/99;  YALE;  This Website
     Quote used in Music Commentary: In Memorium, George Crumb (1929-2022) by Jonathan Blumhofer in The Arts Fuse (an independent online arts magazine), February 9, 2022
     Interview cited on the website Manchester Collective (UK)
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

John Heiss [ph] WNIB 10/23/88, 10/30/93, 10/25/98

Wayne Barlow [ph] WNIB 9/12/92, 9/13/97;  This Website

Richard Moryl [ph] WNIB 2/25/89, 2/20/94, 2/27/99;  This Website

Carl Vine WNIB 11/1/88, 10/9/94, 10/3/99;  This Website

George Lloyd WNIB 11/8/88, 12/29/89, 6/19/93, 6/27/98;  This Website

Donald Harris WNIB 6/16/91, 4/7/96;  This Website

Gerhard Samuel [ph] WNIB 4/12/89, 4/23/94, 4/18/99;  This Website

Robert Cogan WNIB 5/26/90, 2/5/95, 2/6/00

Jeffrey Bishop NU

Ben Johnston WNIB 3/16/91, 3/24/96;  WNUR 5/7/06;  This Website
     Permission granted to translate and publish this interview in MusikTexte - Zeitschrift für neue Musik [#144, February, 2015]
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with memorial program on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

John Luther Adams WNIB 1/23/93, 2/1/98;  YALE;  This Website

Stanley Wolfe WNIB 2/6/94;  This Website

Jacob Druckman WNIB 6/26/93, 6/21/98;  WNUR 6/4/06, 1/31/09, 8/6/16;  CCIR 10/21/08;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Ray Luke [ph] WNIB {5/29/91}, 5/26/96;  This Website

Bernadette Speech WNIB 1/2/93, 1/3/98

Lee Goldstein [+] WNIB 6/11&13/89; TOJ #2, 1990

Frank Abbinanti WNIB 11/25/89;  This Website

Forrest Goodenough [ph]

Kamran Ince WNIB / /90, 5/6/95, 5/13/00;  WNUR 8/15/09, 1/20/10, 3/5/16;  CCIR 10/13/09; This Website

Tom Stevens WNIB 9/4/90, 8/18/91, 8/17,96

Boris Pillin [ph] WNIB 5/20/90, 5/28/95, 7/20/00

Edwin London [ph] WNIB 3/17/89, 3/13/94, 3/14/99;  This Website;  
     Link to this interview appears on the main page of the website of the Cleveland Chamber Symphony (which London founded in 1980)

Ivana Themmen WNIB 12/16/95, 7/18/98;  This Website

John Lessard WNIB 7/1/90, 6/4/95, 9/10/00;  This Website

John Adams [2] WNIB 2/15/92, 2/15/97, 5/4/99;  This Website

John LaMontaine [ph] WNIB 4/1/90, 3/18/95, 3/18/00;  WNUR 2/5/11, 7/9/11, 3/9/19;  CCIR 5/31/11;  This Website

Alexei Haieff [ph] WNIB 8/26/89, 8/28/94, 8/29/99; NU;  YALE;  This Website

Evan Ziporyn [2] WNIB 12/16/89, 12/3/94, 3/31/98, 12/11/99;  WNUR 11/6/04, podcast 7/15/10 -  ;  This Website

Leonard Rosenman [ph] WNIB 9/3/89, 9/10/94, 9/5/99

Ray Green [ph] WNIB 9/12/93, 9/12/98;  This Website

Roger Reynolds NU; WNIB 7/17/94, 7/18/99;  YALE;  This Website

Dorothy Rudd Moore WNIB 6/4/90, 6/10/95, 10/21/00;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Dan Tucker WNIB 3/3/90, 4/1/00;  This Website

Gerald Plain WNIB 2/1/90, 12/2/95, 11/25/00

Tōru Takemitsu WNIB 3/6/90, 10/7/90, 10/7/95, 10/7/00;  This Website

Steven Mackey WNIB 2/16/91, 2/10/96

Simon Bainbridge WNIB 8/30/92, 8/30/97

Bruce Adolphe [2] WNIB 5/27/95, 9/9/00

Lawrence Hoffman WNIB 3/17/91, 3/31/96

John Eaton WNIB 4/1/95, 10/8/00;  This Website

Leon Kirchner [ph] WNIB 1/23/94, 1/24/99;  WNUR 2/7/09, 5/17/14;  CCIR 5/19/09;  This Website
     Permission granted to the composer's daughter to reproduce the interview in her book, A Verdant World: The Leon Kirchner Companion
Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Bright Sheng  [2] WNIB 1/15/91, 12/9/95, 12/9&10/00;  YALE (both);  This Website

Jan Bach WNIB 11/6/90, 12/14/97;  This Website
     Quoted in Chicago Sun-Times article on April 15, 2022, about upcoming Memorial (delayed by pandemic)

Sir Malcolm Arnold [ph] WNIB 10/19/91, 12/30/95;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in the comments section on Slippedisc, May 2, 2016

Olly Wilson WNIB 9/13/92, 9/14/97;  WNUR 4/16/05, 2/4/12, 6/30/12, 2/17/16;  CCIR 4/6/05, 12/22/09;  YALE;  This Website
     Quoted in the obituary in The New York Times, March 23, 2018
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Rolv Yttrehus WNIB 3/23/91, 3/16/96;  WNUR 1/8/11, 6/18/11, 2/16/19;  CCIR 10/18/11;  This Website

Robert Simpson [ph] WNIB 6/9/91, 3/2/96; NU;  This Website 
     Permission granted to reprint the interview in Tonic, the Journal of the Robert Simpson Society, Vol 17, Autumn, 2007

Arne Nordheim [ph] WNIB {6/22/91}, 6/22/96;   This Website

Iain Hamilton [ph] WNIB 6/13/92, 5/31/97;  This Website

Betsy Jolas [ph] WNIB 11/17/91, 8/3/96;  YALE;  This Website

Edison Denisov [R]  NU; WNIB 4/3/94, 4/3/99;  This Website

Joanna Bruzdowicz WNIB 5/15/93, 5/10/98; This Website

Richard Wilson WNIB 5/12/91, 5/11/96;  WNUR 7/28/07, 4/6/13, 7/20/19;  YALE;  This Website

Joan La Barbara WNIB 7/18/92, 7/14/97;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Robert Hall Lewis WNIB 4/21/91, 4/21/96;  This Website

Anthony LeRoy Glise WNIB 1/20/91

Dan Welcher WNIB 3/12/93, 3/1/98

Nancy Laird Chance [ph] WNIB 3/24/91, 3/31/96;  This Website

David DeBoor Canfield WNIB 10/14/90, 9/24/95, 9/23/00;  This Website

Ruth Lomon [ph] NU; WNIB 11/17/90, 11/11/95, 11/4/00;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Stephen Albert [ph] WNIB 1/9/91, 2/6/93, 2/4/96;  YALE;  This Website

Barney Childs [ph] WNIB 2/17/91, 2/11/96

Rodion Shchedrin WNIB 10/23/90, 12/11/90, 12/19/92, 12/13/97;  WNUR 4/18/04, 1/10/09, 6/24/17;  This Website
     Quote used in an article by Nancy Pellegrini about a performance of the Carmen Suite by the Shanghai Symphony, posted January 30, 2015 in TimeOut Shanghai
     Sections of the interview posted on the website of the Chicago Chorale, April 17, 2018

Malcolm Forsyth WNIB 12/7/91, 7/1/95, 12/8/96

Ben Zion Orgad WNIB 8/3/91, 8/24/96

Samuel Adler WNIB 3/7/93, 3/8&21/98;  WNUR 9/4/05, 1/2/10, 4/14/18;  CCIR 3/28/06, 7/22/08;  YALE;  This Website

Robert Beaser WNIB 3/26/91, 5/29/94, 5/29/99;  This Website

Donald Martino [ph] WNIB 5/18/91, 5/12/96;  YALE;  This Website
     Interview cited on the website Hearing the Pulitzers (Episode 32, July 16, 2022)

John Rutter WNIB 9/23/95, 9/2/00;  This Website
     Link to the interview in the comments section of an item on Slippedisc, March 17, 2022

John Harbison WNIB 12/19/93, 12/20/98;  WNUR 4/23/06;  CCIR 1/23/07; 1/13/09;  YALE;  This Website
     Unedited audio posted on the Hampsong Foundation website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Aurelio de la Vega [2 ph// ] WNIB 9/8/91, 11/26/95, 11/18/00;  WNUR 5/19/12; 5/2/15;  CCIR 9/25/12;  This Website
     Both reprinted (with permission) on his official website
     Permission granted to Kile Smith to use quotes in a podcast of the Fleisher Discoveries [Free Library of Philadelphia]

Olli Mustonen WNIB 6/6/92, 6/7/97;  WNUR 4/26/03, 7/17/10, 8/25/18; podcast 7/21/10 - ;  This Website

Carlisle Floyd [ph] WNIB 6/8/91, 6/8/96, 7/14/99;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001
     Permission granted to Michael Hendrick to include excerpts from this interview in his doctoral dissertation at Louisiana State University (LSU) on the topic of Floyd’s Of Mice and Men.

George Heussenstamm [ph] WNIB 7/21/91, 7/21/96;  This Website

Frank Campo [ph] WNIB 2/2/92, 2/2/97;  This Website

Juan Orrego-Salas [ph] WNIB 1/22/94, 1/23/99;  This Website

Robert Ashford WNIB 9/12/93, 9/5/98

Philip Ramey WNIB 9/20/92, 9/25/94, 9/11/99;  YALE

Paul Bowles [ph] WNIB 12/27/92, 12/23&30/95, 11/21/99; This Website
Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation

Yuri Falik [R] WNIB 7/27/96;  WNUR 5/23/04, 5/24/08, 3/31/18

Anthony Davis WNIB 11/8/92, 2/18/96;  This Website

M. William Karlins [2//(second interview is about Stefan Wolpe)] WNIB 2/22/92, 8/22/92, 2/23/97, 8/2/97; WNUR 10/19/02, 6/4/05, 4/28/18;  CCIR 10/18/05;  This Website  (Photo)

Meyer Kupferman WNIB 12/14/91, 7/7/96;  This Website

Charles Dodge WNIB 6/7/92, 6/8/97;  This Website

Robert Lombardo WNIB 3/1/92;  This Website

Nicolas Roussakis NU; WNIB 6/5/94, 6/12/99

Robert Suderburg WNIB 1/28/96;  WNUR 8/6/06, 12/2/06, 7/8/17

Earle Brown WNIB 12/28/91, 12/22/96;  WNUR 6/11/06, 9/27/08;  This Website

Vazgen Muradian WNIB 10/12/91, 9/7/96

Donald Grantham WNIB 11/7/92, 11/9/97;  This Website

Kirke Mechem WNIB 8/1/93, 8/19/95, 9/2/00;  This Website

Steven Stucky NU; WNIB 11/19/94, 11/29/97, 11/14/99;  WNUR 6/6/09, 5/15/13;  CCIR 7/21/09;  This Website

Fred Lerdahl WNIB 3/13/93, 3/14/98;  WNUR 8/20/06, 12/5/09, 6/10/17;  CCIR 5/1/07;  This Website

Mauricio Kagel WNIB 12/21/96; NU;  This Website

Paul Martin Zonn WNIB 1/16/93, 1/11/98

Luciano Berio NU; WNIB {10/27/90}, 10/22/95, 10/22/00;  NU Memorial Program 10/17/03;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Frank E. Warren WNIB 9/7/96;  This Website

Melinda Wagner [2] WNIB 5/21/95, 2/9/97, 5/26/98;  WNUR 5/17/03, 9/25/05, 2/25/17;  This Website
     Link included on the composer's official website

Easley Blackwood WNIB 4/24/93, 4/19/98;  WNUR 6/16&23/12, 1/17&24/15;  YALE;   NMC Summer, 2001; Classical Connect
     Permission granted to Kile Smith to use quotes in a podcast of the Fleisher Discoveries [Free Library of Philadelphia]

Gerhard Stäbler WNIB 7/23/94, 7/11/99;  This Website

William Thomas McKinley [ph] WNIB 12/11/93, 12/12/98

Howard Sandroff WNIB 10/29/94, 10/30/99;  This Website

Gregory Isaacs WNIB 5/9/93

Jerré Tanner WNIB 1/1/94, 8/21/94, 1/2/99;  This Website

Robert Linn NU; WNIB 8/13/95, 8/13/00;  WNUR 8/27/06, 7/6/13;  CCIR 2/24/09;  This Website
     Link included on his official website

Timothy Sullivan WNIB 12/18/94

Alan Sapp WNIB 9/27/99

Lawson Lunde WNIB 11/25/90;  This Website

Nancy Van de Vate [2/ph] NU; WNIB 12/29/90, 12/30/95, 12/30/00;  WNUR 2/22/04;  This Website
     Permission granted to Kile Smith to use quotes in a podcast of the Fleisher Discoveries [Free Library of Philadelphia]
     Quote used in obituary in The New York Times, September 30, 2023

Roque Cordero WNIB 11/4/89;  This Website

Chinary Ung WNIB 11/21/92, 11/29/97

Tania León WNIB 5/9/93, 5/3/98;  WNUR 6/16/07, 8/17/13;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Portion of this Japanese translation included in the paperback book Ten Women Composers of 20th Century America

Anthony Ranieri WNIB 11/14/92

David Del Tredici WNIB 3/14/92, 3/15/97;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it

Philip Hageman WNIB 11/15/88

Anthony Iannaccone WNIB 10/16/93, 10/18/98;  WNUR 8/14/05, 12/26/09, 7/1/17;  CCIR 7/11/06, 7/26/11;  This Website

Russell Peck WNIB 1/22/95

Danny Wright

Noël Lee [ph] NU; WNIB 12/25/94, 12/25/99;  YALE;  This Website
     Quote used in a profile in The Nanjinger, August 15, 2022.  [Information about the magazine is HERE.]

Bernard Rands WNIB 3/5/94, 3/6/99; NU;  WNUR 9/13/03, 2/24/18;  YALE;  This Website

Augusta Read Thomas WNIB 2/25/96, 11/24/98, 4/25/99; NU;  WNUR 3/14/04, 1/5/13, 5/25/19;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate parts of this interview into Japanese and publish them
     Portion of this Japanese translation included in the paperback book Ten Women Composers of 20th Century America

Philip Sparke WNIB 2/16/94, 12/28/96;  WNUR 12/28/02, 9/11/05, 8/27/16

Richard Wernick WNIB 1/30/94, 1/17/99;  WNUR 2/14/09, 4/26/14, 8/13/16;  CCIR 3/24/09;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Ben Steinberg WNIB 1/23/94, 1/21/95, 1/27/98, 1/22/00

Harvey Sollberger NU; WNIB 12/10/95, 5/2&31/98;  WNUR 5/14/06, 2/19/11;  This Website

Mario Davidovsky [ph] WNIB 3/6/94, 3/13/99; NU;  This Website
     Permission granted for use by Sarah Bassingthwaighte for DMA degree at University of Washington

Peter Sculthorpe [ph] WNIB 4/17/94, 5/1/99;  This Website

Jon Polifrone WNIB 5/14/94, 1/11/97, 10/19/99;  This Website
     Permission given to his widow to reprint all or portions of the interview on an upcoming website devoted to Jon's works

Tobias Picker WNIB 7/16/94, 7/17/99;  This Website

Geoffrey Bush [ph] WNIB 3/25/95, 3/19/00;  This Website

Henri Lazarof [ph] WNIB 4/13/97;  This Website

Henryk Mikołaj Górecki WNIB 4/23/94, 12/5/98;  This Website
     Quoted in The New York Times Obituary, 11/12/10
     Quote used on the BBC Symphony Orchestra website

Heinrich Sutermeister [ph]

Jack Stamp WNIB 5/28/94;  This Website

Christopher Rouse NU; WNIB 7/2/94, 2/13/99;  WNUR 12/4/10, 6/4/11;  CCIR 9/6/11;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to Alley Stoughton to use a quotation on her WMBR Memorial program 9/30/19
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with memorial program on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Mikis Theodorakis WNIB 7/29/95, 7/29/00  (Photo);  YALE;  This Website
     Excerpt quoted and link to the full interview included in an item on Slippedisc, September 1, 2015

Arnold Rosner WNIB 12/5/95, 11/5/00;   This Website
     Permission granted for use by Paul Vanderverf in his Ph.D. Dissertation at Northwestern University

Bruce Saylor WNIB 6/4/94, 4/27/96;  This Website

Milton Granger 

Hayden Wayne WNIB 7/3/94, 1/13/98, 5/9/99;   This Website ;  (Photo);
     Reprinted (with permission) on the website of New Millennium Records (Wayne's label)

Marilyn Ziffrin WNIB 8/14/94, 8/11/96;  WNUR 4/21/07, 8/16/14;  This Website
     Quote used in obituary on the Chadwick Funeral and Cremation Service website

Alun Hoddinott [ph] WNIB 8/13/94, 8/8/99; This Website

Tzvi Avni [ph] WNIB 9/6/97;  This Website

Phillip Rhodes NU; WNIB 6/11/95, 12/10/00;  This Website

Morton Subotnick WNIB 4/11/98;  WNUR 7/31/05, 5/29/10, 7/28/18;  CCIR 2/28/06, 5/6/08;  This Website

Wang Shi-Guang

Du Ming-Xin WNIB 9/17/94, 2/11/95, 12/24/95, 8/15/98, 10/2/99  (Photo)

Wu Zuqiang WNIB (")9/17/94, (")2/11/95, (")7/5/97

Maurice Wright NU; WNIB 10/16/94, 10/17/99;  This Website

James Hartway WNIB 10/30/94, 4/4/99

James Dashow NU; WNIB 11/12/94, 9/11/95, 11/6/99;  This Website
     Link included on the composer's official website

Scott Lindroth WNIB 1/17/98;  WNUR 9/7/02;  9/3&10/06, 8/5/17

Shulamit Ran [2] NU; WNIB 10/21/95, 6/15/97, 10/24/99;  WNUR 12/3/11, 8/4/12;  CCIR 5/1/12;  This Website

Yehudi Wyner NU; WNIB 2/12/95, 6/5/99;  WNUR 8/8/09, 1/23/10, 3/12/16;  CCIR 10/27/09;  YALE;  This Website
     Link included in scholarworks of Brandeis University
     Link included on the composer's official website
     Link included on the website Wise Music Classical July 30, 2018

Ian Krouse WNIB 2/3/96;  WNUR 11/27/05, 8/2/08, 2/3/18;  CCIR 7/25/06, 7/17/12

Frederic Rzewski WNIB 4/12/98;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Lita Grier WNIB 1/29/95

David Fanshawe WNIB 10/15/95

Giya Kancheli [ph - R] WNIB 8/12/95, 8/12/00;  This Website
     Quote from my interview used in article in ResMusica, November 30, 2013

Fengshi Yang WNIB 3/11/95, 7/25/00

Emanuel Ghent [ph] NU; WNIB 5/20/95, 5/14/00

Franco Donatoni [I,E] WNIB 6/15/97

Brian Fennelly WNIB { / / }, 8/10/97;   NMC Fall, 2001

Hannibal Likombe (Peterson) WNIB 2/24/96;  This Website

Maurice Weddington   This Website

Kenton Coe   This Website

Gloria Coates WNIB 8/18/96, 10/11/98;  WNUR 11/16/02, 4/11/09, 4/30/16;  This Website

Gary Haynes

Tristan Murail WNIB 3/2/97

Chou Wen-Chung [ph] WNIB 6/28/98;  WNUR 8/9/08, 4/8/17;  CCIR 11/18/08;  YALE;   This Webssite
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation

Janice Misurell-Mitchell
WNIB 5/21/95, 5/25/96;  This Website

Earl Kim NU; WNIB 9/2/95, 1/8/00;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to Kim's widow to use portions of the audio in a documentary about the composer

Allan Blank [ph] NU; WNIB 12/17/95, 12/23/00

Nicholas Maw [ph] WNIB 11/4/95, 10/28/00;  This Website

Tera de Marez Oyens WNIB 8/3/97;  WNUR 12/7/02, 1/27/07, 7/9/16;  This Website

Ye Xiaogang NU; WNIB 10/29/95, 9/24/00

He Xun Tian

Bai Huang

Ma Ge Shun

York Höller WNIB 1/10/99

Carlos Surinach [ph] WNIB 3/3/90, 3/4/95, 3/4/00;  WNUR 6/2/07, 5/13/17;   This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Daniel Asia WNIB 6/27/98;  WNUR 11/23/02, 12/30/06, 7/22/17

Pauline Oliveros WNIB 11/2/97;  WNUR 12/13/03, 6/28/08, 1/9/16;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to OHAM (Oral History of American Music at Yale) to further use material on a YouTube video
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with memorial program on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

David MacBride WNIB 10/6/96;  WNUR 1/15/05, 2/15/14

Ada Gentile WNIB 7/26/97;  WNUR 9/21/02

Einoyuhani Rautavaara [ph] WNIB 6/15/96, 10/10/98;  This Website
     Quoted in review of Gerald Finley recital at Wigmore Hall, by Claire Seymour in Opera Today, June 2, 2014
     Permission granted to Helbling Verlag GmbH to use a brief portion of the interview in their textbook Tonart 12/13.
     Link to the interview in the comments section of the obituary on Slippedisc, July 30, 2016

Marga Richter [ph] WNIB 10/19/96;  YALE;  This Website
     Quote used on the Carl Fischer website for her Sonata for Piano

Ursula Mamlok [ph] WNIB 3/7/98;  WNUR 12/11/10, 6/11/11;  CCIR 1/11/11;  YALE;  This Website;
     Quoted in New York Times obituary May 6, 2016
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Sir Harrison Birtwistle WNIB 2/3/98, 7/10/99;  This Website
     Link to the interview in the comments section of the obituary on Slippedisc, April 18, 2022

Malcolm Williamson [ph] WNIB 11/23/96;   This Website

Ivan Karabitz WNIB 2/9/97, 1/16/00

George Flynn WNIB 1/19/97;  WNUR 3/29 & 5/3/03, 3/15&22/14;  Classical Connect 

Curtis Curtis-Smith WNIB 3/30/97;  WNUR 3/31/12, 7/18/15;  This Website
     Interview cited in ScholarWorks at WMU

Mark-Anthony Turnage WNIB 12/3/00;  WNUR 5/24/03, 4/30/11

Christian Lauba WNIB 7/29/97;  WNUR 3/21/04

Karl Heinz Essl WNIB 8/19/00;   This Website
     Reprinted (with permission) on his official website

Richard Einhorn WNIB 2/10/01

Patrick Cassidy WNIB 3/15/97, 6/26/99

Elias Tannenbaum WNIB 10/19/97, 8/22/99

Aribert Reimann WNIB 1/6/01;  This Website
     Link to interview included in obituary on Slippedisc, March 14, 2024

Sofia Gubaidulina [R] WNIB {10/13/96}, 2/4/01;  WNUR 2/19/05;  CCIR 3/2/05, 10/10/06, 8/19/08;  This Website
     Cited on the Oxford University Press blog, October 24, 2013 (her 82nd birthday)
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge
     Posted in English (WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION) on the Russian website Lingualeo, an English-language study site
     Section of interview used, and link included in a memorial item on Slippedisc, March 14, 2025

Edward T. Cone [ph] WNIB 5/3/97;  YALE

Iannis Xenakis [ph] WNIB 5/25/97;  YALE;  SONUS Spring 2008

Alan Stout WNIB 11/23/97;  This Website

Wilfred Josephs [ph] WNIB 7/12/97;  This Website

Daron Aric Hagen  [2] WNIB 7/20/97, 5/29/99;  This Website

Ben Milstein [+] WNIB 7/20/97;  This Website

Max Lifchitz WNIB 11/8/98;  WNUR 5/5&12/12;  CCIR 3/6/12;  This Website

Chester Biscardi WNIB 10/11/98;  WNUR 5/22/10, 8/20/11, 1/19/19
     Unedited audio placed on his personal website (with permission)

James Bolle WNIB 11/14/98

Helmut Lachenmann WNIB 10/18/97, 11/26/00;  WNUR 1/22/11, 8/6/11, 7/16/16;  CCIR 9/20/11

Leif Segerstam WNIB 3/7&28/99;  WNUR 3/7/09, 6/3/17;  This Website

Ron Nelson WNIB 12/27/97, 12/12/99;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in obituary on Slippedisc January 1, 2024

Stephen Cohn WNIB 11/7/98

Peter Lieberson WNIB 1/28/01;  WNUR 2/8/04, 9/6/08, 1/7/17;  This Website

Steven Scott WNIB 10/10/99;  WNUR 4/16/06

Stefania de Kennessey WNIB 11/7/98

Eric Ewazen WNIB 3/21/99;   This Website

Leonardo Balada WNIB 9/19/98;  WNUR 10/10/04, 6/13/15;  CCIR 10/4/05, 10/8/13;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

John Anthony Lennon WNIB 1/15/00;  WNUR 3/17/12, 8/25/12;  CCIR 3/12/13

Robert Kritz WNIB 11/29/98, 11/28/00;  This Website

Lowell Liebermann WNIB 2/2/99;  WNUR 3/21/09, 5/30/15;  CCIR 4/21/09;  Classical Connect

Robert Xavier Rodriguez WNIB 5/2/99;  WNUR 12/24/11, 12/20/14;  CCIR 5/3/11

Morton Lauridsen WNIB 1/20/01;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Anthony Payne WNIB 8/7/99; British Sound Archive of the British Library;  This Website
     Permission granted to Roger Montgomery and Barrie Gavin to use portions of the interviews with Payne and Jane Manning for a forthcoming documentary film

Matthew Rosenblum WNIB 11/20/99

Lora Aborn  This Website

Ed Bland  WNIB 5/16/99;  WNUR 4/21/12, 2/28/15;  CCIR 1/3/12;  This Website

Michael Riley WNIB 11/27/99

John Wolf Brennen WNIB 11/28/99

Philippe Manoury WNIB 12/5/99

Rick Sowash WNIB 2/13/00;  WNUR 3/3/12, 8/11/12, 7/2/16;  CCIR 2/24/12

James "Kimo" Williams WNIB 4/2/00;  This Website

Michael Ching
WNIB 4/4/00;  This Website

Maria Niederberger
WNIB 10/14/00

Krzysztof Penderecki WNIB 3/14/00;  CCIR 4/13/10;  WNUR 6/19/10, 8/18/18;  CCIR 9/14/10;  YALE;   This Website
     Quote from the interview was picked up by National Public Radio, and appeared as a memorial on their website, as well as those of several of their member stations, March 29, 2020

Vinko Globokar WNIB 12/31/00;  This Website

Albert Tepper [ph] WNIB 2/3/01

HK Gruber WNIB 1/14/01;  WNUR 4/2/06

Alexander Wagendristle

Carter Pann WNIB 12/17/00;  WNUR 8/29/09, 2/13/10, 3/19/16;  This Website

Frank Ferko WNIB 1/30/01;  YALE;  This Website
     Cited on the composer's official website

Annette Schlunz
WNIB 1/13/01

Barbara Heller WNIB 1/21/01

Elisabeth Austin WNIB 1/7/01,  NMC Fall, 2002

Dan Locklair  WNUR 2/16/02, 3/2/02

Marilyn Shrude  WNUR 6/8/02, 11/13/05, 3/18/17;  This Website

Jeffrey Mumford  WNUR 3/30/02, 10/16/05, 2/13/16;  This Website

Frank Ticheli  WNUR 6/15/02, 10/9/05, 2/4/17

Marc-André Dalbavie  WNUR 6/25/06, 1/9/10, 8/20/16;  CCIR 11/7/06, 7/12/11

Isobel Mundry  WNUR 6/29/02, 7/12/08, 4/29/17

Robert Carl   NMC Spring, 2002, WNUR 4/20/02, 8/1/04, 6/4/16

James Primosch  WNUR 4/27/02, 6/13/04, 12/8/18;  This Website

David Rakowski  WNUR 5/11/02, 6/14/08, 8/26/17;  This Website

Joseph Schwantner  WNUR 5/25/02, 10/23/05, 7/29/17;  YALE;  This Website

Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson  WNUR 3/1/03, 2/12/11, 2/6/16;  This Website

Anders Nordentoft  WNUR 7/20/02, 6/21/08, 3/10/18

Xu Zhanhai

Mari Takano  WNUR 6/14/03, 1/28/17

Aaron Jay Kernis  WNUR 12/27/03, 4/12/08, 5/20/09, 6/23/18;  YALE;  Classical Connect

W. Francis McBeth  WNUR 4/12/03, 12/16/06, 4/21/18

Judith Lang Zaimont  WNUR 9/27/03, 5/3/08, 12/5/15

Simon Holt  WNUR 11/1/03, 4/5/08, 12/16/15

Ingram Marshall  WNUR 8/16/03, 10/30/05, 2/11/17

Steven R. Gerber  WNUR 6/28/03, 3/26/06, 4/2/16;  This Website
     Opening portion appears (with permission) on his official website, with a link to the complete interview on this website

Daniel S. Godfrey  WNUR 2/15/04, 7/25/09, 1/20/18

Martin Bresnick  WNUR 1/18/04, 8/12/17

John Stevens  WNUR 8/29/04, 7/11/09, 4/23/16

Steven Jones  WNUR 3/5/06

Donald Draganski  Live Pre-Concert Conversation about his World Premiere Divertimento, Pilgrim Chamber Players May 22, 2005 

Jennifer Higdon
  WNUR 7/25/04;  YALE;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate portions of this interview into Japanese and publish them
     Portion of this Japanese translation included in the paperback book Ten Women Composers of 20th Century America
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Stephen Dembski  WNUR 3/19/05;  This Website

Stephen Syverud  WNUR 10/17/04, 12/8/12, 4/20/19;  This Website

Amnon Wolman  WNUR 7/18/04, 3/21/15;  This Website

Mark Adamo  WNUR 5/16/04;  NU Opera Dept;  This Website

Paul Chihara  WNUR 12/11/04, 3/19/11;  This Website

Frederick Gifford

Magnus Lindberg  WNUR 7/17/05, 2/23/13, 6/8/19;  CCIR 1/31/06, 4/1/08, 3/3/15

Anders Hillborg  WNUR 8/7/05, 6/12/10, 8/11/18;  CCIR 6/20/06, 4/19/11;  This Website

André Previn  WNUR 6/11/05, 1/4/14;  CCIR 1/17/05, 8/17/10;  This Website

Geroge Benjamin  WNUR 5/14/05, 7/19/08, 4/15/17;  CCIR 12/13/05, 2/18/08, 3/31/15;  This Website

William Susman  WNUR 8/28/05, 1/18/14;  CCIR 5/9/06, 3/8/11

Judith Shatin  WNUR 7/24/05, 4/13/13, 7/27/19;  CCIR 4/25/06, 12/28/10;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Amy Williams  This Website
     Link included on the composer's official website

David Dzubay  WNUR 1/22/06;  CCIR 2/20/07, 12/11/12

Chen Yi  WNUR 2/5/06, 8/16/08, 3/21/18;  YALE;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in conjunction with programming on Not Brahms and Liszt on WMBR Cambridge

Colin Matthews  WNUR 2/12/06, 2/21/15;  CCIR 3/20/07, 6/2/09

Detlev Glanert  WNUR 3/14/09, 12/10/16;  CCIR 9/22/09

Luke Bedford

Ronald Perera  WNUR 10/21/06, 2/2/13;  CCIR 8/7/07, 4/14/15

Alvin Lucier  WNUR 7/30/06, 5/14/11;  CCIR 6/12/07, 1/5/10

Jay Alan Yim   WNUR 2/20/10, 3/3/18;  This Website

David Baker  WNUR 2/24/07, 7/5/14;  CCIR 11/13/07, 4/15/14;  This Website

Simon Sargon  This Website
     Quotes used in obituary in Washington Jewish Week, January 3, 2023

Paul Moravec  WNUR 3/24/07, 5/26/18;  CCIR 10/16/07, 3/18/14;  This Website

Interview - Librettist

Harvey Hess  TOJ #2, 1994


Interviews - Conductor

Bruno Bartoletti [3] OS 5/82; WNIB 3/30/86, 6/9/91, 6/9/96, 11/11/98, 1/30/99;  LyricJub

James Levine OS 7/82; WN 12/81; WNIB 3/26/89, 6/27/93

Richard Woitach OS (")10/82; DeP;   This Website

Joseph De Rugeriis [2//+] #1 - OS 4/83; WNIB 3/9/86;  #2 - This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001

Marek Janowski [2] WN 1&3/81; WNIB 2/28/89, 7/22/90, 2/19/94, 2/20/99

Sir Reginald Goodall [+]  WN 2/82; WNIB 7/14/91, 5/23/93, 7/21/96
     Reposted (in its entirety) in The Wagnerian, July 12, 2011

Ferdinand Leitner WN 1/83; WNIB 3/5/87, 3/15/92, 11/6/93, 7/9/95, 3/1/97

Edwin McArthur WN 9/87; WNIB 9/24/87, 7/2/95, 9/27/97

Erich Leinsdorf [2] WN 6/84; WNIB 2/ /87, 12/20/87, 1/3/89, 3/26/91, 2/8/92, 9/2/93, 2/1/97, 9/5/99

Claudio Abbado  This Website
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it
     Quote used, and link to the full interview in an item on Slippedisc, August 27, 2015

Maurice Abravanel [ph] MN 7/86; WN 1/88; {WNIB 1/9/93}; 1/3/98

Henry Holt [2] WNIB 3/19/80, 3/90;  This Website

Gershon Braun WNIB 7/15/80

Eve Queler WNIB 9/2/80, 1/31/88, 11/13/88, 9/9/90, 1/14/96;  This Website

Eduardo Mueller DeP

Jeffrey Tate DeP; WNIB 4/12/87, 4/18/98;  This Website

Michel Plasson MN 1/82 {WNIB 10/3/98}

Jean Fournet [F] MN 1/83; WNIB 2/8/90, {4/17/93, 4/11/98}

Carlo Felice Cillario WNIB 1/5/86, 2/18/90, 2/12/95, 2/13/00;  This Website

Lawrence Rapchak (also composer) [4/+///+] WNIB 8/29/89, 4/30/91, 4/17/94, 5/28/96; (")CT 3/2/01#1 and #2 - This Website; #3 - This Website; #4 - This Website
     Rapchak also participates very briefly in the conversation with John Pascoe

Robert Carter Austin   This Website

Julius Rudel MN 7/83; WNIB 4/16/89, 3/10/91, 3/21/93, 3/2/96

Robert Frisbie [+] NU;  This Website

Sir John Pritchard [3///+] /NU; #2 - WN 2/87; UAL-X; WNIB 1/5/88, 12/25/88, 2/10/91, 3/13/94, 2/3/96;  #1 - This Website ; #3 - This Website

Gustav Kuhn WNIB 1/1/91, 8/30/97;  This Website

Dennis Russell Davies [2] WNIB 2/9/86, 7/12/88, 8/1/89, 1/23/91, 4/10&16/94; 4/10&17/99;  WNUR 1/8/05, 2/16/13, 6/1/19; //NU; 
                              YALE (both)  (Also Translator for Isang Yun);  This Website

Ádám Fischer WNIB 6/8/86, 7/17/88, 8/29/92, 8/23/97;  This Website

Miguel A. Gómez-Martínez WNIB 9/3/89, 9/17/94, 9/19/99;  This Website
     Reprinted (with permission) on his official website
     Link to the interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, August 5, 2024

Armin Jordan [F +]  WN Summer/1986; WNIB 4/12/97

Robert Shaw [ph] WNIB 4/27/86, (")3/1/87, 4/3/91, 4/28/96, 1/31/99;  This Website

Antal Doráti [ph] WNIB Guide 4/86; WNIB 4/8/86, 4/9/89, 4/10/91, 4/6&28/96;   This Website

Raymond Leppard WNIB 7/26/87, 8/8/92, 8/9/97;  This Website
     Quote from my interview used in Obituary in France Musique, October 23, 2019

Manuel Rosenthal [ph] MN 1/87; WNIB 10/7/85, 6/18/94, 6/13/99

Daniel Barenboim [2] WNIB 11/3/85, 9/11&12/93, 1/15/97; N&W 3/86
     Link to the interviews included in the comments section of an item on Slippedisc, October 6, 2022

Richard Bonynge [+] WNIB 2/23/86, 11/2&9/86, 9/20/90, 10/1/95, 8/29/99, 10/1/00; MN 7/90;  LyricJub

Christopher Hogwood [2/ph] WNIB 2/27/86, 10/15/87, 2/16/91, 9/14/96

Charles Dutoit WNIB 10/7/86, 5/17/87, 3/20/88, 6/21/88, 10/12/96;  NW 1/88;  WNUR 3/5/05, 3/22/08;   This Website

Emerson Buckley  TOJ #2, 1991

Christof Perick WNIB 10/26/96;  This Website

Ivan Cerovac WNIB 8/3/86

Mark Flint [+] WNIB 5/18/86;  This Website

Max Rudolf [ph] WNIB 6/15/87, 6/14/97;  TOJ #2, 1987

Paul Freeman [3] WNIB 10/9/86, 10/6/87, 9/20/88, 12/9/88, 8/7/90, 1/1/91, 1/13/96;  WNUR 9/12/04, 3/10/12, 7/25/15;  CCIR 5/15/12;  This Website  (Photo)

Edo De Waart WNIB 7/19/88, 8/8/89, 6/2/91, 6/1&16/96;  WNUR 6/2/12, 5/16/15;  CCIR 1/08/13

Paul Strauss WNIB 8/10/86, 6/28/97;  This Website

Giuseppe Sinopoli WNIB 10/11/87, 12/31/89, 11/2/91, 11/2/96; This Website
     Reprinted (with permission) on his official website
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it

Leonard Slatkin [2] WNIB 7/26/88, 3/15/89, 9/1/89, 11/6/90, 9/3&4/94, 9/4&11/99; WNUR 7/5/03, 7/3/10, 1/30/16;  NW 7/89;  YALE (both);  This Website

Michael Tilson Thomas [2] N&W 3/87 (#1), This Website (#2); WNIB 2/16/88, 4/4/89, 12/21/89, 12/9/90, 12/17&18/94, 12/18/99;
                                                WNUR 12/29/07, 2/6/10, 6/16/18;  CCIR 3/4/08, 11/1/11;  //NU;  YALE (both)

Sir Mark Elder [2] WNIB 6/22/97, 4/2/00;  WNUR 1/25/03, 6/13/09, 1/27/18;  This Website

Lorin Maazel WNIB 12/7/86, 3/6/90, 7/4/93, 3/4/95, 4/8/00;  TOJ 2011 #3 & #4 (Double Issue)

Sir Charles Mackerras WNIB 6/21/87, 11/11/95, 11/18/00;  WNUR 5/9/04, 4/4/15;  This Website

John Mauceri WNIB 9/5/90, 9/16/95, 9/9/00;  WNUR 10/18/03, 1/19/13, 5/4/19;  This Website

Antonia Brico [ph] WNIB 6/16/87, {6/4/97}

Sir Yehudi Menuhin WNIB 5/30/87, 7/15/90, 4/23/91, 4/20/96; WNUR 4/14/12, 4/18/15;  NU;  This Website

Steven Larsen WNIB 4/2/87;  This Website

Günther Herbig WNIB 12/9/88, 11/30/91, 11/30/96

Werner Janssen [ph] {WNIB / / , / /, 6/19/99};  This Website

Hermann Michael WN 5/91

Dieter Kober WNIB 10/8/87;  This Website

Edmond De Stoutz WNIB 12/19/90, 12/16/95, 12/17/00;  This Website

Christopher Keene WNIB 2/28/89, 12/21/91, 12/14/96; WN 9/88

Zhohuang Chen

Mariss Jansons WNIB 3/23/90, 11/13/90, 1/6/93;  This Website

Mitch Miller WNIB 11/12/87, 5/5/88, 7/6/96

Neeme Järvi WNIB 4/18/89, 2/13/90, 1/30/91, 6/7/97, 5/6/00;  This Website
     Link to the interview in the comments section of an item on Slippedisc, February 11, 2017

Laszlo Halasz
[ph] WNIB 6/3/90, 6/3/95;  This Website

Frederick Fennell WNIB 7/2&28/89, 7/3/90, 12/29/90, 7/2&30/94, 1/31/98, 7/3/99;  This Website
     Permission granted to the Library of Congress to use portions of this interview in their National Recording Registry, "Frederick Fennell and Winds in Hi-Fi"

Herbert Blomstedt WNIB 2/20/90, 7/11/92, 7/12/97;  This Website

Hans Vonk WNIB 6/20/92, 6/21/97;  WNUR 9/5/04, 3/7/15

Esa-Pekka Salonen WNIB 3/15/88, 6/27/93, 7/4&19/98;  WNUR 3/22/03, 1/20/07, 1/17/09, 7/21/18;  TOJ #1/2020

James Conlon WNIB 7/3/88, 7/11/89, 3/29/90, 3/18/95, 4/9&22/00;  This Website

Gerard Schwarz [ph] NW 4/88; WNIB 8/22/92, 8/16/97;  WNUR 10/24/07;  CCIR 4/15/08;  This Website

Kurt Masur WNIB 8/16/88, 7/18/92, 7/19/97, 6/22/99;  This Website
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it

Nicholas McGegan WNIB 11/28/89, 1/13/90, 1/14/95, 1/15/00;  This Website

Sir Georg Solti [2] WNIB 9/27/88, 9/25/90, 4/16/91, 10/4/92, 10/18/97; LMA 10/88; Inst 10/95 (Cover Article) 
     Quote used online in Far Out Magazine Jan 8, 2023, in the article "Who has won the most grammys of all time?"

James DePreist NW 4/89; WNIB 7/25/89, 5/15/90, 11/16/91, 11/17&23/96; This Website;
     Quoted in The New York Times Obituary, 2/9/13
     Permission granted to Denise Reed to use portions of the interview in a forthcoming biography of the conductor

Gordon Wright WNIB 1/3/89, 5/9/90, 1/7/95, 12/19/99;  This Website

Pier Giorgio Calabria WNIB 3/1/88;  This Website

Stuart Challender WNIB 1/2/90, 8/1/92;  This Website

Semyon Bychkov WNIB 11/21/92, 7/6/99, 2/22/00;  WNUR 11/7/04;  This Website

Günther Wand WNIB 10/24/89, 12/1/89, 1/4/97;  WNUR 4/16/16;  This Website
     This interview was translated into Chinese and published (WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION) in Philharmonic
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it
     Permission granted to Hirohide Miyaoka to use the interview in a CD booklet with Swiss Radio recordings

Hal France WNIB 3/28/89;  This Website

Kenneth Jean WNIB 11/14/89, 12/25/90, 10/25/97;  This Website

Fiora Contino WNIB 5/8/90;  This Website
     Quoted in the Washington Post Obituary, 3/17/17
     Permission granted to Joan Whittemore to use portions in her book Wisdom, Wit and Will:  Women Choral Conductors and their Art, published in 2009

Christoph Eschenbach WNIB 12/18/90, 2/18/95, 2/12/00;  WNUR 9/12/04, 7/18/09, 6/2/18;  This Website

Zdenek Macal WNIB 8/21/90, 4/20/94, 1/20/96;  WNUR 1/21/12, 7/28/12;  CCIR 11/27/12;  This Website
     Excerpt quoted and link to the full interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, October 26, 2023
     Quote used in obituary in The New York Times, November 6, 2023

Leonard B. Smith [ph] WNIB 9/29/90, 9/30/95

Kate Tamarkin  This Website

Emanuel Krivine WNIB 5/10/97

Sarah Caldwell   TOJ #1/1994; WNIB 2/7/99

James Paul WNIB 7/17/90, 10/6/97, 3/7/00, 6/20/00, 10/21/00;  This Website

Andrew Parrott WNIB 3/8/97;  This Website

George Cleve WNIB 6/6/89, 8/16/90, 6/15/96

Riccardo Chailly WNIB 2/20&21/93, 2/21&28/98, 11/7/99;  TOJ #3/2017

Gary Bertini WNIB 9/18/90, 5/16/92, 5/3&4/97;  This Website
     The text of the interview has been reproduced (with permission) on Bertini's official website.
     This interview was translated into Chinese and published (WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION) in Philharmonic
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it

Kay George Roberts WNIB 2/5/91, 1/4/95, 9/30/00;  This Website

Catherine Comet WNIB 1/8/91, 12/10/94, 12/4/99;  This Website

Eduardo Mata WNIB 9/5/92, 9/6/97;  This Website

Rudolph Palmer WNIB 8/1/92, 8/2/97;  This Website

William Revelli WNIB 2/22/92, 2/22/97;  This Website

Peter Maag WNIB 8/18/91, 5/14&29/94, 5/8/99;  This Website
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it

Maxim Shostakovich WNIB 5/8/93, 5/9/98;  WNUR 9/24/06, 3/11/17;  CCIR 9/19/06, 8/9/11;  This Website

Valery Gergiev WNIB 3/28/93, 5/1/93, 8/4/96, 5/2/98, 4/18/99
     [Though held in 1992, the transcript of this interview has been removed from my website.  More information HERE.]

Vittorio Negri WNIB 10/17/98;  This Website

Gennady Rozhdestvensky WNIB 4/9/94, 5/18/96;  WNUR 4/28/12, 4/25/15;  CCIR 11/13/12

Capt. William Joseph Phillips  This Website

Michael Morgan WNIB 5/21/91, 5/15/93, 9/13/97;  This Website
     Link to the interview in the comments section of an item on Slippedisc, June 19, 2023

Gilbert Levine WNIB 1/17/98

John P. Paynter WNIB 5/29/93;  This Website

Christian Thielemann WNIB 4/3/94, 1/15/95, 4/3/99;  This Website
     Excerpt quoted and link to the full interview included in an item on Slippedisc, August 28, 2015

Michiyoshi Inoue WNIB 12/21/96

Andrew Schenck WNIB 2/23/92, 1/6/96;  WNUR 11/4/06, 5/30/17;  CCIR 6/26/07, 2/3/15;  This Website

Carlo Rizzi WNIB 8/28/94, 7/29/95, 7/16/00;  This Website

Andrew Litton WNIB 5/21/94, 5/15/99;  WNUR 12/11/05;  CCIR 8/8/06, 2/8/11;  This Website
     Reprinted (with permission) on his official website

Franz-Paul Decker WNIB 2/13/94, 7/11/98

Geoffrey Simon WNIB 8/14/90, 7/13/96;  This Website

John Nelson WNIB 12/5/93, 12/7/96, 2/23/99;  This Website
     Quote used in 80th birthday tribute on FAZ.net (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)
     Permission granted to Carole Glenn to use portions of the interview in her forthcoming book Continuing the Quest: Interviews with Outstanding Choral Conductors

George Manahan WNIB 2/7/01;  CCIR 6/8/10;  WNUR 8/7/10, 7/7/18;  This Website

Sir Andrew Davis [2] WNIB 2/5/94, 2/6/99, 2/11/01;  WNUR 11/14/04, 2/27/10, 7/23/16;  This Website
     Link to the interviews in the comments section of the obituary on Slippedisc April 21, 2024

Zubin Mehta [2] WNIB 12/26/93, 3/10/96, 4/28/96;  This Website
     Cited in an interview(!) with Leila Sterenberg in Consultor Jurídico, September 6, 2013

Libor Pešek WNIB 8/21/93, 6/20/98

Richard Buckley WNIB 5/25/94, 9/5/98;  This Website

Col. Arnald Gabriel WNIB 5/27/95, 7/29/00

Wolfgang Sawallisch [ph] WNIB 5/7/94, 8/22/98;  This Website
     This interview was translated into Chinese and published (WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION) in Philharmonic

Ted Taylor [+] WNIB 5/22/94;  This Website

Stewart Robertson WNIB 6/4/94, 5/12/00;  TOJ #1/2016
     Link to interview included in obituary on Slippedisc, February 18, 2024
     Quote used in obituary in heraldscotland, March 29, 2024

Erich Kunzel WNIB 3/18/95, 8/25/98, 8/31/99, 4/1/00

Eugene Kohn WNIB 9/25/94

Jorge Mester WNIB 4/2&8/95, 4/9/00;  WNUR 2/26/11, 7/2/11, 3/2/19;  CCIR 11/30/10;  This Website

Hugh Wolff WNIB 10/24/98;  WNUR 8/31/02, 8/22/15;  This Website

Donato Renzetti WNIB 1/28/95, 1/22/00;  This Website

Baldo Podič

Leonid Nikolayev [R] WNIB 8/20/90

Han Zhongjie WNIB 9/17/94, 2/11/95, 12/2/95, 11/25/00

Bian Zushan WNIB 3/28/98

Joseph Glymph WNIB 9/17/94, 2/11/95, 12/2/95, 12/2/00  (Photo)

Lawrence Foster WNIB 11/12/94, 10/19/96

John Fiore WNIB 1/1/95;  This Website

Volodymyr Sirenko [U] WNIB 10/21/95, 11/4/00

Donald Runnicles WNIB 4/14/98, 11/14/99;  This Website

Paul Anthony McRae WNIB 12/9/95, 12/16/00

Tan Li-Hua WNIB 11/4/95  (Photo)

Zheng Xiao Ying WNIB 11/4/95

Yuan Fang WNIB 11/4/95, 7/25/98, 10/2/99

Meng Po (")WNIB 11/4/95

Chen Xie-Yang WNIB 11/4/95

Mario Bernardi WNIB 8/19&27/95, 8/5/00;  This Website

Dennis Keene WNIB 12/17/95

Matthias Bamert WNIB 1/15&30/00;  This Website

Paolo Olmi WNIB 12/31/95, 10/8/00;  This Website

William Christie WNIB 4/21/96, 12/11/99;  This Website

Sergiu Comissiona WNIB 6/3/98;  WNUR 11/30/02, 5/7/05, 6/18/16;  This Website

Yakov Kreizberg   TOJ #2, 2002, WNUR 5/4/02, 5/10/08, 12/19/15
     Quote used in the biography on the Naxos Records website

Michael Gielen WNIB 7/20&26/97;  This Website
     Quote used in the obituary by Norman Lebrecht on the website Slippedisc March 9, 2019

Lawrence Leighton Smith WNIB 6/2/96;  WNUR 3/26/11, 7/23/11, 3/23/19;  CCIR 1/25/11;  This Website

Sir Roger Norrington WNIB 3/30/99;  This Website
     Link to the interview in the comments section of Slippedisc, November 14, 2021
     Cited on the website UKknowledge (UK)

Joshua Rifkin WNIB 7/20/96, 4/24/99;  This Website

James Sedares WNIB 3/15/97, 3/7&28/98;  WNUR 5/28/11, 6/6/15;  CCIR 3/22/11

Eiji Oue WNIB 10/2/99

Sian Edwards WNIB 8/28/99;  This Website

Gilbert Kaplan WNIB 1/26/97

JoAnn Falletta WNIB 12/21/96, 2/27/99;  WNUR 4/23/05, 1/29/11;  This Website

Takashi Asahina [J/E]

Antonio Pappano WNIB 12/29/96, 8/22/99, 10/10/99;  TOJ #2/2008

Steven Richman WNIB 5/2/98;  WNUR 1/11/03, 6/7/14;  This Website

Bernard Haitink WNIB 3/6/99;  WNUR 2/1/03, 4/18/09, 12/15/18;  This Website

José Serebrier  [Also Composer]  WNIB 1/9&31/99;  This Website

Marcus Stenz WNIB 4/11/00, 7/23/00, 11/7/00;  This Website

David Atherton WNIB 8/11/98, 1/30/99;  This Website

Jesús López-Cobos WNIB 2/19/00;  This Website
     Quoted in The New York Times Obituary, 3/7/18

Yuri Temirkanov WNIB 12/12/98;  This Website
     Link to interview included in the comments section of Slippedisc, February 1, 2022 [item about his retirement]

Bradley Vieth [+] WNIB 6/1/97;  This Website

Donald Fraser WNIB 9/20/97

Harold Bauer WNIB 2/9/97;  This Website

Mark Wigglesworth WNIB 7/17/99

Franz Welser-Möst WNIB 8/19/00;  This Website

Robert Spano WNIB 11/2/98;  This Website

Christopher Wilkins WNIB 11/14/98

Sylvain Cambreling WNIB 12/8/98;  This Website

Dario Sotelo WNIB 2/26/00

David Robertson WNIB 10/14/00;  WNUR 3/8/03, 4/19/14;  This Website

Charles Ansbacher WNIB 4/13/99

Carlos Kalmar WNIB 7/13/99, 8/15/00;  WNUR 8/15/04, 8/1/09, 8/4/18;  Classical Connect

Claus Peter Flor WNIB 10/16/00

James Judd WNIB 11/6/99;  This Website

Leopold Hager WNIB 10/7/00;  This Website

Yves Abel WNIB 11/5/00

David Zinman WNIB 1/6/01;  WNUR 7/24/10, 8/18/12, 5/14/17;  CCIR 10/4/11;  This Website

Tonu Kaljuste WNIB 1/27/01

Helmuth Rilling WNIB 1/10/01;  This Website

Yoel Levi WNIB 7/8&15/00;  This Website

Stefan Sanderling WNIB 1/13/01

Jane Glover WNIB 1/20/01;  This Website

David Stahl WNIB 10/10/00

Martin Pearlman WNIB 1/3/01;  This Website

William Eddins  This Website

Nicholas Cleobury   Web 6/01

Marin Alsop  WNUR 6/21/03;  This Website

Gary Garner  WNUR 7/2/06;  CCIR 3/6/07, 7/23/13;  This Website

[Mstislav Rostropovich - see Cello]

Christoph von Dohnányi  WNUR 4/30/05, 2/8/14;  CCIR 5/15/07, 11/24/09;  This Website

Ton Koopman  This Website

Harry Bicket

Emmanuel Villaume   TOJ #2/2007 

Louis Langrée

Alexander Platt  WNUR 5/12/07;  This Website

John DeMain   This Website


Interviews - Choral Director

Michael Lepore [Lyric Opera of Chicago]   This Website

Margaret Hillis [Chicago Symphony] WNIB 9/30/86, 3/8/88, 4/3/90, 5/8/90, 2/26/91, 10/5/91, 10/5/96, 3/28/98;  This Website;
     Permission granted to Joan Whittemore to use portions in her book Wisdom, Wit and Will:  Women Choral Conductors and their Art, published in 2009 

George Guest [St. John's College, Cambridge] WNIB 2/9&20/89, 2/26/94, 2/13/99;  This Website

William Ferris [2] [William Ferris Chorale] WNIB 12/2/86, 2/26/87, 2/22/97, 6/1/97, 5/17/00;  This Website

Kenneth Jennings [St. Olaf Choir] [ph] NW 7/88; This Website

Sir David Willcocks [King's College, Cambridge] NU; WNIB 1/31/89, 12/31/89, 12/25/94, 12/18/99;  This Website

David Stivender [Metropolitan Opera] TOJ #3/1990; WNIB 9/5/93
     Permission granted to Paolo Pianigiani to translate the interview into Italian, and post it on his website about Dino Campana

George Estevez [Chicago Chamber Choir] WNIB 10/27/89, 5/12/90, 10/16/90

Paul Hillier [Hilliard Ensemble] WNIB 4/21/92, 2/12/94, 2/27/99

Thomas Wikman [Music of the Baroque] WNIB 8/30/97;  This Website

Dennis Keene [Voices of Ascension] WNIB 5/16/98

Donald Palumbo [Lyric Opera of Chicago] WNIB 12/9/98, 2/27/99; TOJ #3/2001

James O'Donnell [Westminster Cathedral Choir] WNIB 1/7/01;  This Website

Paul Salamunovich [Los Angeles Master Chorale]  WNUR 7/6/02, 12/14/14

Richard Webster [Bach Week Festival] WNIB 4/27/99, 5/2/00; (")CT 5/4/01

Duain Wolfe [Chicago Symphony Chorus]   (")CT 4/20/01;  This Website




Interviews - Piano

Mitsuko Uchida WNIB 12/22/88, 12/26/98;   (")CT 4/27/01;  WNUR 1/22/05, 2/16/08, 12/12/15;  [complete interview] This Website

Abbey Simon WNIB 2/22/88, 12/4/90, 4/4/97;  This Website
     Quoted in The New York Times Obituary, 12/21/19
     Quoted in The Washington Post Obituary, 12/22/19 [Different writer and different quoted passages]

Garrick Ohlsson WNIB 9/8/88, 8/22/89, 4/11/93, 4/4&5/98

Alexander Toradze WNIB 3/20/90, 4/9/94, 6/14/97;  Web 1/02
     Quoted in The New York Times Obituary, 5/19/22
     Permission granted to the Georgian Classic Music Center to use the interview in an upcoming publication

Stephen Hough WNIB 6/26/90, 11/23/91, 9/21/96, 8/17/99;  This Website
     Link included in the comments section of an item celebrating his 60th birthday on Slippedisc, November 23, 2021

Janina Fialkowska WNIB 5/2/90, 2/19/91, 5/7/91;  This Website

Christina Ortiz WNIB 2/21/89, 4/19/90, 4/22/95, 4/15/00;  This Website

Paul Badura-Skoda WNIB 3/7/89, 10/2/92, 10/6/97;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it

Earl Wild WNIB 3/10/89, 11/13&27/90, 11/25/95, 11/11/00;  This Website

Gail Quillman WNIB 5/1/90, 4/30/95, 5/5/00;  This Website

John O'Connor WNIB 1/25/90, 1/25/97

Richard Goode WNIB 4/ /90, 6/5/93, 6/6/98;  This Website

Santiago Rodriguez WNIB 2/15/97

Derek Han WNIB 7/19/97

Ramon Salvatore WNIB 3/12/91, 8/27/94, 8/15/99;  WNUR 12/31/11, 7/21/12;  This Website

Justus Frantz WNIB 2/21/91, 5/21/94, 5/15/99;  This Website
     Link to interview included in item about Frantz and Leonard Bernstein in Slippedisc May 13, 2024

Maria João Pires WNIB 7/30/94, 7/24/99;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Link to the interview included in item on Slippedisc July 23, 2024

Barbara Nissman WNIB 10/30/90, 12/10/94, 1/1/00;  This Website

Norman Krieger WNIB 6/29/96

Charles Rosen [2] WNIB 5/2/92, 5/10/97;  WNUR 6/18/06, 1/21/17;  CCIR 7/10/07, 9/10/13

Ursula Oppens WNIB 2/5/94, 2/14/99;  Classical Connect

Helge Antoni WNIB 4/29/91, 4/27/96;  This Website

Anton Kuerti WNIB 7/18/98

György Sándor WNIB 9/19/92, 9/28/97;  This Website

Yefim Bronfman WNIB 4/10/93, 4/18/98, 10/5/99;  WNUR 11/8/03, 5/3/14, 6/11/16

Cecile Licade {WNIB 5/11/91}

Bruno-Leonardo Gelber WNIB 6/15/91, 3/16/96

David Dubal WNIB 4/1/95, 3/25/00

Leon Bates WNIB 11/5/94, 11/6/99;  This Website 

Ian Hobson WNIB 1/2/93, 8/9/97;  CCIR 1/26/05, 12/26/06, 3/20/12;  This Website

Alfred Brendel WNIB 1/6/96, 3/30/99;  ( (")CT 4/13/01 ); This Website
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it

David Owen Norris WNIB 6/27/98;  This Website

Tatiana Nikolaieva WNIB 10/17/92, 5/7/94, 5/8&23/99;  WNUR 9/17/06, 3/30/13;  CCIR 9/5/06, 9/28/10, 6/14/11, 7/13/19;  This Website
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it

Alan Mandel WNIB 7/15/95, 7/8/00;  This Website

Victoria Postnikova [+] {WNIB 1/ /94, 1/16/99}

Jean-Yves Thibaudet WNIB 9/7/96, 10/10/99;  This Website

Alan Feinberg WNIB 6/17/95, 6/24/00;  WNUR 4/28/07, 7/5/08, 3/17/18;  CCIR 3/16/10;  This Website

Rudolf Firkušný WNIB 2/13/91, 2/15/92, 7/20/94, 2/8/97;  This Website
     This interview was translated into Chinese and published (WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION) in Philharmonic

Carol Honigberg [+] WNIB 10/22/94, 1/18/97;  This Website

Alan Kogosowski WNIB 3/12/94

John Wustman WNIB 3/25/95, 3/18/00

Ruth Laredo WNIB 4/27/94, 11/22/97;  This Website

Vladimir Feltsman WNIB 1/11/97, 5/11/99

Van Cliburn WNIB 10/1/94, 7/17/99;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it

Jorge Federico Osorio WNIB 2/11/95, 3/9/96, 11/11/97;  Classical Connect

Mischa Dichter WNIB 10/15/94, 9/30/95, 9/16/00;  This Website

Byron Janis WNIB 10/14/95, 12/30/97, 3/14/98

Radoslav Kvapil WNIB 3/24/98, 3/13/99

Philip Sabransky WNIB 11/21/98;  This Website

Carol Rosenberger WNIB 11/7/98

David Arden WNIB 9/25/99

Marvin Rosen WNIB 3/9/96

John Browning WNIB 5/23/98, 6/27/00;  WNUR 12/10/11, 4/11/15;   This Website
     Quote used on the website eugeneistomin.com

Boris Berezowsky

Ralf Gothoni WNIB 5/4/96;  WNUR 9/28/03, 7/12/14;  This Website

Leif Ove Andsnes WNIB 4/8/95, 3/11/00;  WNUR 8/23/03, 4/27/13, 8/17/19;  This Website

Leon Fleisher WNIB 7/7/98, 8/1/98, 7/11/00;  WNUR 6/27/09, 3/27/10, 5/7/16;  CCIR 11/10/09;  This Website
     Quote (with link to full interview) used in year-end Tribute to the Musicians Who Left Us in 2020 on CBC.ca website

Frederic Moyer WNIB 12/13/97

Florence Kirsch

Tzimon Barto WNIB 8/22/00;  WNUR 7/11/04, 5/1/10, 1/23/16;  This Website

Menahem Pressler WNIB 1/13/01;  WNUR 6/9/12, 6/20/15;  CCIR 1/17/12;  This Website
     "Notable Quote" included on the Legacy.com website, May 9, 2023

Norbert Heller WNIB 5/31/97

Anthony de Mare WNIB 9/7/97;  WNUR 5/7/11;  CCIR 2/22/11

Murray Perahia WNIB 12/2/00;  This Website

Goeffrey Douglas Madge WNIB 3/21/98; WNUR 1/8/06;  CCIR 5/23/06, 9/2/08

Till Fellner WNIB 3/7/98, 4/13/99;  This Website

Jon Kimura Parker WNIB 8/18/98, 12/25/99

Phillippe Entremont WNIB 6/5/99;  This Website

Maurizio Pollini WNIB 10/3/00;  WNUR 4/19/03, 8/10/13;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Leon Bastiaans to translate this interview into Dutch, and post it on https://www.pianovrienden.nl/

Betty Ann Miller WNIB 4/25/98

Alan Gampel WNIB 1/6/98, 5/29/99

André Laplante WNIB 9/19/98;  WNUR 12/27/08, 6/21/14;  CCIR 11/4/08

Pierre-Laurent Aimard WNIB 5/24/98;  WNUR 1/18/03, 7/13/13;  This Website

Sarah Cahill WNIB 12/10/00

Laurence Jeanningros  WNUR 6/22/02, 7/11/15

Donna Stoering WNIB 10/7/00

Emanuel Ax WNIB 6/12/99;  WNUR 6/27/04, podcast beginning 7/10/10;  This Website

Ivo Pogorelich WNIB 8/14/99;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it

Pascal Rogé WNIB 1/17/01

Hélèn Grimaud WNIB 12/9/00

Dmitri Feofanov WNIB 12/26/00

Jeffrey Siegel WNIB 12/26/00

Peter Donohoe WNIB 1/3/01;  WNUR 6/5/10, 8/27/11, 4/6/19;  CCIR 8/3/10;  This Website
     Link to the interview in the comments section of an item about being selected by Simon Rattle on Slippedisc, October 9, 2022

Dmitri Paperno WNIB 2/13/99;  This Website

Gilbert Kalish WNIB 8/12/00;  WNUR 12/12/09; 3/6/10, 3/26/16;  CCIR 3/30/10;  This Website

Valentina Lisitsa [+] WNIB 12/20/99, 8/8/00;  WNUR 6/7/03, 1/11/14

Alexei Kuznetzoff [+] WNIB 12/20/99, 8/8/00;  WNUR 6/7/03

Barry Douglas WNIB 5/13/00

Stephen Bishop Kovacevich WNIB 10/14/00

Christopher O'Riley WNIB 8/29/00

Boris Berman WNIB 12/16/00

Mikhail Pletnev [Also Conductor] WNIB 1/27/01;  This Website
     This interview was translated into Chinese and published (WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION)
     Permission granted to Yian Zou to translate this interview into Chinese and post it

Arcadi Volodos WNIB 1/24/01

Leonard Hokanson WNIB 12/20/00;  This Website

Zoltan Kocsis WNIB 1/23/01

Heidi Lowy WNIB 2/3/01

David Holzman  WNUR 5/18/02;   NMC Summer, 2003

John Novacek  WNUR 9/6/03, 3/1/14

Justin Kolb  WNUR 2/15/03, 12/23/06

Lang Lang  WNUR 1/1/05, 8/23/08;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it

Jennie Lin  WNUR 8/13/06, 12/13/14;  CCIR 5/7/13

Stephen Drury  WNUR 7/12/03, 12/18/11, 1/26/19

Jean-Philippe Collard  WNUR 7/14/07

Piotr Anderszewski  WNUR 3/28/04, 1/12/08

Mūza Rubackytė  This Website

Marilyn Nonken  WNUR 5/30/04, 1/12/19

Joseph Kalichstein  WNUR 10/14/06, 1/26/13, 5/11/19

Interview - Piano Technician

Franz Mohr WNIB 10/2/93, 9/20/97, 10/3/98;  This Website
     Cited on France Musique website, 8/21/15
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Comment and link to the interview as an item on Slippedisc, August 17, 2015

Interviews - Organ & Harpsichord

Peter Hurford WNIB 11/13/90, 11/18/95, 11/25/00;  This Website
     Quote used and link included in the obituary on Slippedisc, March 3, 2019
     Permission granted to the Hon. Secretary of the St. Albans Cathedral Ex-choristers Association, for use in a comemorative display in the Music Department at Hurford's old school, Blundell's, in Tiverton, England

Michael Murray WNIB 7/4/90, 3/21/98

Simon Preston WNIB 5/1/90, 8/14/93, 8/8/98;  This Website
     Quote used in The New York Times Obituary, May 23, 2022

Guy Bovet WNIB 5/23/92, 5/17/97

David Schrader WNIB 9/26/92, 9/13/97;  This Website

Paul Rey Klecka WNIB 11/1/97

Anthony Newman [Also Composer] WNIB 5/1/96;  This Website

Jory Vinicour WNIB 12/16/95, 5/16/98, 11/2/99

Wolfgang Rübsam WNIB 10/12/96

David Craighead WNIB 2/14/98

Dame Gillian Weir WNIB 1/21/01

Igor Kipnis  WNUR  3/23/02, 5/6/17;  This Website

Jean Guillou  WNUR 8/3/02, 10/2/05, 7/15/17

Elaine Funaro  WNUR 3/12/05, 12/21/13

Interviews - Harp

Nancy Allen WNIB 7/9/94, 7/10/99;  WNUR 1/15/11, 6/25/11, 2/23/19;  CCIR 10/26/10

Robin Huw Bowen WNIB 12/30/00

Kerstin Allvin WNIB 1/13/96

Yolanda Kondonassis WNIB 11/28/98;  This Website  

Sarah Bullen  (Principal, Chicago Symphony Orchestra) WNUR 10/11/03, 6/28/14;  This Website

Interview - Accordion

Robert Davine WNIB 6/28/92, 4/2/94, 4/3/99;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it 


Interviews - Guitar

Angel Romero NW 7/88; WNIB 6/27/89, 8/17/91, 8/17/96;  This Website

Paco Peña WNIB 2/6/01

Ernesto Bitetti WNIB 11/27/90, 7/18/98

Sharon Isbin WNIB 8/10&30/96;  WNUR 2/26/06;  CCIR 2/6/07, 5/5/09

David Russell WNIB 6/6/98;  WNUR 4/9/06;  This Website
     Reprinted (with permission) on his official website

Milan Zelenka WNIB 12/27/97

Oscar Ghiglia WNIB 8/5/98;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation
     Link to the interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, March 3, 2024

Benjamin Verdery WNIB 1/20/01

Eliot Fisk  WNUR 7/13/02, 3/29/08, 1/2/16

Interviews - Lute

Paul O'Dette WNIB 2/5/94, 2/6/99;   This Website
     Portions quoted on the website of WOSU, posted on October 26, 2010

Toyohiko Satoh WNIB 12/27/00

Hopkinson Smith WNUR 7/19/03, 12/29/18;  This Website
     Reprinted (with permission) on his official website

Interview - Balalaika

Emanuil Sheynkman WNIB 10/26/89


Interviews - Violin

Sergiu Luca WNIB 6/28/88, 4/3/93, 4/11&26/98;  This Website

Shlomo Mintz [ph] WNIB 10/31/92, 10/25/97

Joshua Bell WNIB 5/22/90, 2/12/91, 12/11/92, 12/6/97

Anne-Sophie Mutter WNIB 5/1/90, 7/3/93, 7/4/98;  This Website

Shmuel Ashkenasi (Founder, Vermeer Quartet) [+] WNIB 8/31/89;  This Website

Adrian Da Prato (Chicago Symphony) [+] WNIB 1/15/91;  This Website

Maxim Vengerov WNIB 8/20/94, 6/1/99, 8/21/99;   This Website;  WNUR 10/4/03, 12/9/06, 2/18/17; Chicago Symphony Orchestra Website beginning 8/2001.

Isaac Stern WNIB 7/22/95, 7/22&30/00;  This Website

Irvine Arditti (Founder, Arditti Quartet) [+] WNIB 8/8/93, 9/11&17/94;  This Website

David Alberman (Arditti Quartet) [+] WNIB 9/11&17/94;  This Website

Vincent P. Skowronski WNIB 1/22/94, 1/16/99;  This Website  (Photo)

Rubén D’Artagnan González (Co-concertmaster, Chicago Symphony) WNIB 1/29/94, 5/28/94, 5/30/98, 5/1/99;  This Website

Frank Almond (Concertmaster, Milwaukee Symphony) WNIB 12/5/98

Robert McDuffie WNIB 10/2/94, 6/13/98;  This Website

Joseph Silverstein (Concertmaster, Boston Symphony) WNIB 3/22/97

Chee Yun WNIB 3/25/00

Jaime Laredo WNIB 6/8&9/96;  WNUR 12/13/08, 4/12/14;  CCIR 1/27/09, 4/27/10

Kyung Wha Chung WNIB 1/26/99, 3/27/99

Alexander Balenscu (Founder, Balenscu Quartet) WNIB 5/31/99

Kyoko Takezawa WNIB 10/19/96

Bohuslav Matušek  WNIB 9/4/99

Lara St. John WNIB 10/11/97

Midori WNIB 1/13/01;  This Website

Lawrence Golan  [Also conductor]  WNIB 11/21/00;  This Website

Rachel Barton Pine WNIB 5/6/97;  This Website

Gidon Kremer WNIB 11/1/97;  This Website

Elmar Oliveira WNIB 6/17/00;  CCIR 2/2/10;  WNUR 3/13/10, 8/27/10, 6/25/16

Judith Aller WNIB 2/7/01

Christian Tetzlaff WNIB 1/6/01;  WNUR 10/23/04, 4/17/10, 2/17/18

Nadia Salerno-Sonnenberg WNIB 1/10/01;  WNUR 7/4/04

Frank Peter Zimmermann WNIB 1/26/00;  WNUR 5/23/09, 5/27/17;  CCIR 7/7/09

Gil Shaham WNIB 6/29/99;  WNUR 1/4/03, 8/24/13

Jeanne Lamon [Also conductor]  WNIB 8/14/99  This Website
     Quoted in the obituary in Público (a daily newspaper published in Lisbon, Portugal), June 22, 2021 (translated into Portuguese)

Aaron Rosand WNIB 9/12/98

Vadim Repin WNIB 8/10/98;  WNUR 11/15/03, 6/22/13

Dmitri Sitkovetsky WNIB 10/9/99

Hilel Kagan (Lyric Opera of Chicago)  [Also Conductor]  WNIB 10/17/00

Leila Josefowicz WNIB 1/31/01;  WNUR 1/19/08, 5/24/14;  CCIR 3/18/08

Elizabeth Matesky [About Heifetz]  (")CT 2/2/01 ; WNIB 2/3/01

Arabella Steinbacher

Zina Schiff  WNIB 11/28/00

Mark Peskanov [Also Conductor]   (")Web 7/01

Victor Aitay (Concertmaster, Chicago Symphony Orchestra) [Also Conductor]  WNUR 9/14/02, 8/23/14;  This Website

Tasmin Little  WNUR 4/9/05, 4/23/11, 2/2/19;  CCIR 1/3/05, 6/22/10

Janet Packer  WNUR 12/18/04, 5/12/18

Jennifer Koh  WNUR 6/26/05, 12/28/13;  CCIR 2/14/06, 9/18/07, 8/23/11, 11/5/13;  Classical Connect

Interviews - Viola

Irving Ilmer (Fine Arts Quartet) WNIB 4/18/89, 9/30/89, 9/24/94, 9/18/99;  This Website

Richard Young (Vermeer Quartet) [+] WNIB 8/31/89;  This Website

Gábor Ormai (Takács Quartet) [+] WNIB 1/30/01

Thomas Kakushka (Alban Berg Quartet) WNIB 3/5/94

Kim Kashkashian WNIB 2/24/96, 8/31/97;  WNUR 8/2/03, 6/26/10;  This Website

Yuri Bashmet WNIB 8/7/93, 9/18/93, 1/24&25/98;  WNUR 4/5/03, 7/27/13;   This Website

Yizak Schotten WNIB 8/25/96;  WNUR 12/14/02, 11/28/09

Marcus Thompson WNIB 2/7/98;  WNUR 5/19/07, 2/14/15;  This Website

Scott Slapin WNIB 1/8/00

Charles Pikler (Principal, Chicago Symphony Orchestra)  WNUR 5/28/05, 1/12/13;  CCIR 11/29/05, 1/8/08;  This Website

Interviews - Cello

János Starker WNIB 7/1&6/89, 7/9&23/94, 7/3&4/99;  WNUR 6/20/04, 8/8/15;  This Website
     Permission granted to Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, to translate this interview into Portuguese and use in an e-book

Nathaniel Rosen WNIB 5/10/88, 6/12/93, 6/20&21/98;  WNUR 3/12/06;  CCIR 4/3/07, 8/27/13

Anner Bylsma WNIB 6/12/90, 2/19/94, 2/20/99;  This Website
     Quote from my interview used in Obituary in ResMusica, July 26, 2019

Heinrich Schiff WNIB 7/10/90, 9/7/91, 11/16/96, 7/4/00;  WNUR 3/28/09, 5/23/15;  CCIR 4/7/09;  This Website

Steven Isserlis WNIB 12/18/93, 12/19/98;  This Website

András Fejér (Takács Quartet) [+] WNIB 1/30/01

Steven Honigberg [+] WNIB 10/22/94, 5/17/97;  WNUR 1/28/05, 5/9/09, 4/22/17;  This Website

David Geringas WNIB 7/27/96

Julian Lloyd Webber WNIB 2/17/96;  This Website

Pieter Wispelwey WNIB 1/17/01

Ludovit Kanto WNIB 7/5/97

Lynn Harrell WNIB 1/30/99;  WNUR 8/8/04, 8/14/10, 6/30/18;  This Website

David Finckel (Emerson Quartet) WNIB 11/20/99

Enrico Dindo WNIB 6/8/99

Truls Mørk  WNUR 2/23/02, 7/19/14; 12/1/18

Frances-Marie Uitti  WNUR 9/20/03, 7/26/08, 1/16/16

Mstislav Rostropovich  WNUR 5/21/05, 3/9/13;  CCIR 9/20/05, 4/30/07, 6/22/19  (PhotoThis Website
     Permission granted to Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, to translate this interview into Portuguese and use in an e-book 

Interview - Gamba

Mary Springfels WNIB 9/19/89, 9/7/96;  This Website

Interviews - Double Bass

Francois Rabbath WNIB 3/17/96;  WNUR 10/12/02, 11/6/05, 4/7/18

Bertram Turetzky WNIB 2/14/93, 2/14/98;  This Website

Gary Karr WNIB 7/30/94, 11/23/96;  This Website

Jerry Fuller WNIB 8/16/97;  This Website

Interviews - String Quartet

Lark Quartet WNIB 9/2/95, 9/28/99

Vermeer Quartet WNIB 4/16/94


Interviews - Flute & Recorder

James Galway WNIB 12/7&9/89, 4/17/90, 12/3&11/94, 12/11/99;  This Website

Carol Wincenc WNIB 1/7/90, 6/25/94, 6/26/99;  WNUR 5/21/11;  CCIR 12/14/10;  This Website

Michala Petri WNIB 1/8/91, 7/10/93, 7/11/98;   This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation
     Permission granted to Recorder Days to reprint an adaptation of the Edy Classic version

Michel Debost WNIB 5/28/94, 1/23/99

Kathleen Chastain

Samuel Baron [ph]  WNIB 4/29/95, 4/29/00;   This Website

Eugenia Zukerman WNIB 11/17/98

Robert Dick [Also composer] WNIB 9/3/00

Mary Stolper (Principal, Grant Park Festival Orchestra)  WNUR 2/29/04, 3/2/13, 8/3/19;  CCIR 1/19/10, 7/6/10;  This Website

Donald Peck  (Principal, Chicago Symphony Orchestra)  WNUR 12/26/04, 12/22/12, 4/27/19;  This Website

Interviews - Oboe

Sara Watkins [+]  This Website

Ray Still (Principal, Chicago Symphony) WNIB 3/11/95, 3/11/00;  This Website

Ingo Goritzky WNIB 5/6/00;   This Website

Alex Klein (Principal, Chicago Symphony)  WNUR 8/24/02, 1/10/15;  Classical Connect
     Link to the interview included in the comments section of an item about his being re-hired by the CSO on Slippedisc, June 27, 2016


Interviews - Clarinet & Basset Horn

John Bruce Yeh  [2]  (Assistant Principal, Chicago Symphony)  [#1 is mainly about the basset horn]  WNIB 7/28/87, 8/23/97;  This Website

Kalmen Opperman
John Bruce Yeh (Assistant Principal Clarinet, and E-Flat Clarinet of the Chicago Symphony) arranged this interview, and also asked some of his own questions.
     Material from the conversation was used by Yeh in his article in The Clarinet, Vol 22, 1994

Richard Stoltzman WNIB 7/12&13/97; WNUR 7/7/07, 3/29/14;  CCIR 10/30/07, 4/1/14;  This Website

Sabine Meyer  [+]  WNIB 1/27/01;  This Website

Reiner Wehle  [+]  WNIB 1/27/01;  This Website

Giora Feidman WNIB (")5/16/95, 3/30/96

Eddie Daniels WNIB 6/23/98

Eric Mandat WNIB 12/31/00

Michael Lowenstern WNIB 3/23/97

David Keberle WNIB 6/7/97

Michael Edwards WNIB 10/28/00

Alain Damiens [F] WNIB 12/16/00

Larry Combs  (Principal, Chicago Symphony)  WNUR 4/2/05, 8/15/15;  CCIR 11/1/05, 12/11/07, 1/6/15;  This Website

Interviews - Bassoon

Wilbur Simpson (Chicago Symphony) [+] WNIB 1/15/91;  This Website

Arthur Weisberg WNIB / /97;  WNUR 1/3/09, 8/2/14;  CCIR 2/10/09;  This Website

Milan Turkovic WNIB 9/18/99;   This Website

Valery Popov WNIB 9/6/97;  WNUR 8/18/07, 6/1/13

William Waterhouse WNIB 1/10/98

Interview - Contrabassoon

Susan Nigro WNIB 6/14/97, 7/14/98;  WNUR 1/3/04, 12/29/12, 5/18/19;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation 

Interviews - Saxophone

Dale Underwood (Principal Alto, U.S. Navy Band) WNIB 11/20/93, 11/15/98

David Pituch WNIB 7/28/98;  This Website
     Cited in a memorial tribute on saxontheweb.net, November 12, 2020

Alina Maria Mleczko WNIB 3/28/00

Frederick Hemke WNIB 7/5/00;  This Website  (Photo)

George Wolfe  WNUR 3/9/02, 3/15/08, 4/9/16

Interview - Harmonica

Corky Siegel WNIB 10/29/94


Interviews - Trumpet & Baroque Trumpet

Paul Plunkett WNIB 11/19/94, 11/27/99

Rolf Smedvig (Founder, Empire Brass) WNIB 9/23/95, 9/30/00;  This Website

Timofey Dokschitzer [ph /R] WNIB 12/14/96;  This Website

Ross Beacraft (Chicago Brass Quintet) WNIB 4/8/97;  This Website

Sergei Nakariakov WNIB 5/9/98

Stephen Burns WNIB 11/30/99, 1/29/00;  WNUR 4/9/11, 8/13/11;  CCIR 5/17/11;  This Website

Crispian Steele-Perkins  WNUR 4/13/02;   This Website

Interviews - French Horn

John Cerminaro WNIB 4/5/97

Dale Clevenger  (Principal, Chicago Symphony Orchestra)  WNUR 11/22/03, 5/10/14; This Website
     Quote used in Obituary in the Chicago Sun-Times, January 6, 2022 

Interviews - Trombone

Christian Lindberg WNIB 4/5/92, 2/27/93, 2/7&22/98;  This Website   

Jay Friedman  (Principal, Chicago Symphony) [Also Conductor] [ph] (")Web 3/01;  This Website

Chris Brubeck  WNUR 10/26/02

Charles Vernon  (Bass Trombone, Chicago Symphony Orchestra)  WNUR 7/3/05, 12/16/16;  CCIR 4/11/06; 8/6/08;  This Website

Interviews - Tuba

J. Samuel Pilafian (Empire Brass) WNIB 5/29/88, 5/8/90, 10/31/90;  This Website

Harvey Phillips WNIB 7/29/95, 2/16/97, 12/4/99;  This Website

Roger Bobo WNIB 6/22/96, 7/25/98

Gene Pokorny (Principal, Chicago Symphony)  WNUR 11/2/02, 12/15/12, 7/6/19;  This Website

Koji Suzuki

Interview - Percussion

Evelyn Glennie NU; WNIB 2/11/95, 7/22/95, 7/9/00;  WNUR 5/21/06;  CCIR 10/24/06, 12/16/08;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it 
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation 

Interviews - Instrument Builder; Electronics

William Colvig [Gamelan]

J. Paul Barnett [Cannons for the 1812 Overture] WNIB 2/10/01;  This Website

Andrew Gerzso [Electronic Realizations] WNUR 7/26/03, 7/7/08, 3/25/17


Note that ALL of my interviews with singers are listed below.
However, those who appeared with Lyric Opera of Chicago
(and with the earlier resident companies in Chicago),
as well as Lyric's conductors, directors, and others
have been gathered together, and are ALSO listed here.

Interviews - Soprano

Ruth Welting OS 5/82; WNIB 5/11/89, 5/1/94, 5/9/99

Janis Martin OS 10/82; WN 4/81; WNIB 11/26/89, 8/20/94, 4/4/99;
     Quoted in Los Angeles Times Obituary, 12/30/14 & The New York Times Obituary 12/27/14 & the Baltimore Sun Obituary 12/30/14

Josephine Barstow OS 11/82; WNIB 1/6&7/90, 9/26/95, 9/17/00

Elena Mauti-Nunziata [I] OS 1/83
     Link to the interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc July 22, 2024

Martina Arroyo WNIB 2/26/89, 2/6/91, 2/11/96;  This Website
     Quote used on the website of NDR Klassiek (Netherlands Radio), February 13, 2023

Elisabeth Hollique WNIB 1/13/01

Michelle Harman-Gulick OS 5/83

Johanna Meier WN Summer/1982; WNIB 2/13/93

Eva Marton [2/G//E] WN 11/84; WNIB 6/28/92, 5/20/93, 3/10/96, 6/14/98, 4/11/99

Mary Beth Peil WNIB 5/13/80;  This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001

Valerie Masterson MN 1/85; WNIB 6/7/87, 6/8/97

Mirella Freni [2 +] N&W 9/84; WNIB 2/15/90, 2/26/95, 2/27/00;  LyricJub
     LInk to the interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, February 9, 2020

Ellen Shade (NU); TOJ #3/1988

Roberta Peters [2] /NU; WNIB 7/14&28/85, 5/15/90, 5/7/94, 5/7/95, 1/5/97, 12/3/00;  This Website
     Link to the interviews in the comments section of the obituary on Slippedisc, January 20, 2017

Graziella Sciutti WNIB 9/1&15/85, 4/12/92, 4/20/97; NU; This Website

Helga Dernesch  WN 7/85; WNIB 2/5/89, 8/9/92, 2/13/94, 10/4/98, 2/7/99

Linda Kelm WN (")9/85

Evelyn Lear NU; WNIB 1/18/87, 1/5/91, 1/7/96;  LyricJub;  This Website
     Excerpt quoted and link to the full interview in an item on Slippedisc, August 31,2015

Isobel Buchanan WNIB 10/27/85, 7/24/88, 3/20/94, 3/21/99;  This Website

Eleanor Steber [ph] WNIB 7/13/86, 7/23/94, 7/18/99, 5/7/00;  This Website

Elly Ameling NU; WNIB 10/5/86, 2/7/89, 4/17/90, 2/6/94, 2/7/98, 2/21/99;  This Website

Marilyn Zschau TOJ #1/1986; WNIB 10/ /88

Rachel Yakar [F&E] WNIB 12/1/85, 3/6/90, 3/6/93, 3/8/98

Kay Griffel WNIB 11/7/89;  This Website

Ashley Putnam WNIB 11/29/87, 8/31/97;  This Website

Benita Valente WNIB 10/19/89, 10/16/94, 10/24/99;  This Website

Luciana Serra [I] WNIB 5/28/89, 11/3/96;  This Website

Pierrette Alarie [2 + /ph] WNIB 5/1/88, 11/10/91, 11/17/96;  TOJ #3&#4/2014;
     Quoted in Globe and Mail (Canada) Obituary, 8/2/11

Licia Albanese [ph] MN 7/89; WNIB 7/26/98; TOJ #2/2014

Elizabeth Hynes   This Website

Birgit Nilsson [ph]  WN Summer/1989 ; WNIB 8/12/90, 5/16/93, 8/19/97, 5/17/98;  LyricJub;
     Permission granted for use of an edited version of the printed copy in the Bayreuth Master Classes of 2013
     Portion of this interview translated into Vietnamese and posted on "TRANG THÔNG TIN ÂM NHẠC CỔ ĐIỂN" ["Classical Music Information Site"] (without my prior knowledge)

Gloria Capone
[+] WNIB 1/26/86;  This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001

Ileana Cotrubaș WNIB 9/14/86, 11/8/87, 6/8/89, 6/5/94, 6/6/99;  LyricJub;  This Website

Dame Joan Sutherland [+] WNIB 2/23/86, 11/2&9/86, 5/14/89, 9/30/90, 11/3/91, 10/1/95, 11/24/96, 8/29/99, 10/1/00;  MN 7/90; LyricJub

Lorna Haywood WNIB 10/15/85;  This Website

Dame Margaret Price WNIB 2/16/86, 4/7/91, 4/14/96, 4/20/97, 2/22/98;  This Website

Anna Tomowa-Sintow [G] WN 12/87; WNIB 2/22/87, 9/15/96

Arleen Augér WNIB 8/22/85, 9/12/89, 6/5/90, 2/9/92, 9/4/92, 9/12/99;  This Website

Dorothy Kirsten [ph] WNIB 3/16/86, 7/5/87, 7/3/90, 7/2/95, 7/3/00; MN 7/87

Dame Gwyneth Jones [ph] WNIB 8/17/86, 11/10/96;  This Website

Bidú Sayão [ph] MN 1/86; WNIB 5/10/87, 5/11,97

Rose Bampton [ph] WN 4/86; WNIB 11/27/93, 11/30/97

Catherine Malfitano MN 1/91; WNIB 10/15/95, 4/26/98

Cecilia Gasdia [I] WNIB (")6/1/86; 9/1/95, 8/13/00;  This Website

Helen Jepson [ph] WNIB 11/28/85, 11/27/94; MN 7/86

Dame Eva Turner [ph] WNIB 3/10/87, 6/19/90, 3/8/92, 3/9/97; This Website

Felicity Lott WNIB 5/10/92, 5/4/97, 1/1/00;  This Website

Yolanda Marculescu WNIB 8/24/86, 1/11/87, 6/9/87

Leonie Rysanek WNIB 11/23/86,11/17/91, 11/24/96;  This Website

Norma Burrowes [ph] WNIB 4/24/94, 12/21/97, 4/25/99;  This Website

Barbara Daniels WNIB 8/28/88, 5/26/96;  This Website

Martha Mödl [ltr/G] WN 3/87; (")WNIB 3/20/86, {3/22/92}

Judith Blegen WNIB 4/21/91, 4/21/96, 7/5/98; This Website

Lucine Amara [ph] WNIB 3/1/90, 3/4/95, 3/5/00

Cristina Deutekom [ph] WNIB (")7/19/87; This Website;
     Quoted in the Telegraph (U.K.) Obituary, 9/1/14

Marni Nixon WNIB 2/22/90, 2/25/95, 2/12/00;  This Website
     Quote used, and link to the full interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, July 26, 2016

June Anderson WNIB 7/18/88, 7/16/89, 8/16/92, 12/26/92, 12/28/97; TOJ #1/2010

Linda Zoghby WNIB 8/17/89, 8/21/94;  This Website

Wilhelmenia Fernandez WNIB 1/2/94, 1/3/99;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, February 7, 2024
     Quote used in obituary in The New York Times, February 16, 2024

Sunny Joy Langton WNIB 7/18/00;  This Website

Dame Kiri te Kanawa [+] UAL-X; WNIB 1/5/88, 12/25/88, 1/28/90, 3/13/94, 3/17/99; This Website

Renata Scotto WNIB 2/23/89, 1/20/91, 2/27/94, 10/23/94,2/8/99; MN 7/91;  LyricJub
     Link to interview included in comments section of the obituary on Slippedisc, August 17, 2023

Natalia Rom

Susan Dunn WNIB 2/2/88, 10/14/88, 7/31/94, 7/25/99;  This Website

Jarmila Novotná   MN 6/92 ; WNIB 9/20/92, 11/15/98

Nadine Secunde WNIB 10/18/88;  This Website

Carol Vaness WNIB 11/22/88, 10/31/89, 2/20/94, 11/26/95, 12/8/96;  This Website

Lella Cuberli WNIB 1/24/89, 12/30/90, 9/22/91, 9/10/95, 10/22/00;  This Website

Deborah Voigt WNIB 1/29/95, 8/20/95, 8/6/00;  This Website

Dawn Upshaw WNIB 7/7/91, 7/16/95, 7/16/00;  TOJ #2/2019

Carol Neblett WNIB 10/10/89, 2/3/91, 2/25/96;  This Website

Barbara Bonney WNIB 4/1/90, 4/17/91, 4/14/96, 8/1/00;  TOJ #1/2011

Aprile Millo WNIB 4/4/93, 4/19/98

Marie McLaughlin WNIB 11/6/94, 11/7/99;  This Website

Lucy Shelton WNIB 2/26/94, 3/10/98, 2/20/99;  WNUR 7/31/10, 4/16/11, 2/9/19;  CCIR 5/11/10, 2/26/13;  This Website

Phyllis Bryn-Julson NU; WNIB 2/4/95, 2/5&6/00;  This Website

Karita Mattila WNIB 1/12/92, 9/3/95, 9/10/00;  This Website

Siv Wennberg WNIB 4/2/91, 9/18/99

Anna Moffo WNIB 3/17/91, 8/2/92, 6/29/97;  This Website

Joan La Barbara [see listing as composer]

Sheri Greenawald TOJ #4/1992; WNIB 11/2/97

Judith Nelson WNIB 9/25/94;  This Website

Helen Donath WNIB 7/8/95, 9/7/97, 7/30/00;  This Website

Edith Mathis WNIB 2/14/93, 2/15/98;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in the comments section of the obituary on Slippedisc, February 10, 2025
     Quote from interview used in obituary in The New York Times, February 15, 2025

Faith Esham MN 7/93 ; WNIB 8/9/98

Anne Victoria Banks

Alpha Floyd TOJ #3/1993

Reri Grist WNIB 10/9/94, 3/2/97;  This Website

Alessandra Marc WNIB 9/18/93

Renée Fleming WNIB 2/12/94, 1/15/95, 2/18/96, 2/14/99, 9/3/00;  This Website

Gianna Rolandi  TOJ #2/1995;  WNIB 8/31/97
     Quoted in The New York Times obituary, June 24, 2021
     Different quote used in The (London) Times obituary, July 5, 2021

Tina Kiberg WNIB 12/19/93;  This Website

Ljuba Kazarnovskaya WNIB 3/31/96

Margaret Harshaw WNIB 5/15/94, 5/16/99;  TOJ #2/2012;
     Quoted in Opera News, November, 2009

Kathryn Harries TOJ #1/1996; WNIB 12/12/00

Mattiwilda Dobbs [ph] WNIB 7/9/95, 7/9/00;  TOJ #2/2016

Jenni Drivala WNIB 6/11/95

Susan Davenny Wyner NU; WNIB 10/14/95, 10/31/98

Jane Eaglen WNIB 1/28/95, 10/29/95, 9/22/98, 4/2/00;  This Website

Elsa Charlston WNIB 11/1/97;   NMC - Fall/Winter, 2006
     Link included in the obituary on Slippedisc, August 13, 2024

Bethany Beardslee WNIB 12/27/97;  This Website

Sharon Sweet WNIB 12/3/95

Kallen Esperian WNIB 10/8/95, 6/23/96, 9/21/99

Alison Hagley WNIB 7/28/96, 6/25/00

Sylvia McNair WNIB 3/24/96, 12/29/98;  This Website

Kari Løvaas WNIB 1/6/01;  This Website

Régine Crespin WNIB 3/31/96, 2/23/97;  LyricJub;  TOJ #1/2011

Ying Huang WNIB 6/23/96

Anja Silja WNIB 5/23/99, 4/16/00;  This Website
     Link to the interview in an item on Slippedisc, August 30, 2015

B.J. Ward

Elizabeth Norberg-Schulz WNIB 1/14/01

Yelda Kodalli [Turk/E] WNIB 8/20/00

Gabrielle Schnaut WNIB 2/23/97, 11/16/97

Mariella Devia WNIB 11/9/97, 4/26/98;  This Website

Soile Isokoski WNIB 10/7/97, 10/18/98, 3/19/00

Maria Guleghina WNIB 9/23/97, 10/11/98, 8/8/99

Elisabeth Söderström WNIB 5/24/98;  WNUR 12/17/11;  CCIR 1/22/13;  This Website
     Link included on the webpage of countermelodypodcast, January 18, 2020

Constance Haumann WNIB 12/13/97;  This Website

Emily Magee WNIB 10/28/97, 3/23/99, 12/31/00;  This Website

Cynthia Lawrence WNIB 11/4/97, 10/20/98

Angelina Réaux WNIB 4/4/98, 1/23/99;  This Website

Ellen Hargis WNIB 1/31/01;  This Website

Erie Mills WNIB 6/28/98

Maureen O'Flynn WNIB 3/2/98

Barbara Ann Martin WNIB 2/24/98, 2/15/00, 3/21/00;  This Website

Elizabeth Futral WNIB 9/27/98, 2/16/99, 1/25/00, 6/18/00

Carole Farley WNIB 11/29/98

Christine Brandes WNIB 10/11/98;  WNUR 12/6/03, 1/25/14;  This Website

Christine Schäfer WNIB 6/20/99, 12/7/99

Ghena Dimitrova WNIB 3/22/98, 5/31/99;  This Website

Laura Aikin  TOJ #1/1999

Andrea Rost WNIB 1/3/99

Daniela Dessì  [I]  WNIB 1/19/99;  This Website

Anne-Marie Ketchum WNIB 10/16/99;  This Website

Nancy Gustafson WNIB 7/2/99, 4/25/00;  This Website

Jane Manning WNIB 5/8/99;  British Sound Archive of the British Library
     Permission granted to Roger Montgomery and Barrie Gavin to use portions of the interviews with Manning and Anthony Payne for a forthcoming documentary film

Inva Mula WNIB 10/29/99, 1/2/00

Natalie Dessay WNIB 11/23/99, 4/16/00

Rebecca Evans WNIB 1/21/01

Eva Mei  [I] WNIB 1/24/01;  This Website

Katherina Rössner WNIB 1/14/01

Katarina Dalayman WNIB 10/24/00

Patricia Racette WNIB 12/5/00;  TOJ #1/2001

Elizabeth Connell

Leontina Vaduva  [F]  TOJ #3/2002

Julianne Baird  WNUR  2/1/04, 3/28/14;  This Website

Tony Arnold

Brenda Roberts  WNUR 6/6/04;  This Website
     Permission granted to re-post the interview on her website

Neva Pilgrim  WNUR 1/11/04, 5/11/13;  This Website
     Link to the interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, January 23, 2024

Helen Boatwright   This Website

Phyllis Curtin  WNUR 10/20/04, 3/24/12, 4/13/19;  This Website
     Excerpt quoted and link to the full interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, June 12, 2016

Sheryl Woods   TOJ #1/2004

Heidi Grant Murphy  WNUR 6/19/05, 5/19/18;  CCIR 3/14/06, 5/20/08

Judith Raddue  [+]  WNIB 5/28/96;  This Website

Andrea Gruber    TOJ #1/2007   

Interviews - Mezzo & Contralto

Ruza Baldani WN 12/80; WNIB 7/20/97

Geraldine Decker WN Summer/81

Yvonne Minton [2] WN 5/82; WNIB 12/12/93, 12/13/98; This Website

Blanche Thebom WN 8/83; WNIB 7/27/86, 9/19/93
     Cited in the article about her in the Encyclopedia of Arkansas [Ffrom 1973-80 she was on the faculty of UA Little Rock]

Cynthia Munzer WNIB 3/11/80;  This Website

Anne Howells [+] NU;  This Website

Nadine Denize [F] WN 10/85; WNIB 11/7/93, 11/8/98

Sonia Sharnova  This Website

Mignon Dunn N&W 5/86; WNIB 6/30/96

Mimi Lerner
[+] WNIB 6/24/80;  This Website

Alicia Nafé
[F] MN 7/85

Kahtleen Kuhlmann MN 1/87

Lucia Valentini-Terrani [I] WNIB (")8/17/85; 3/12/89, 8/25/96; MN 1/86

Risë Stevens [ph] WNIB 12/22/85, 6/6/93, 6/7/98, 11/26/00;  This Website

Fiorenza Cossotto [I +] WNIB Guide 4/85; WNIB 4/30/95, 4/9/00;  This Website

Tatiana Troyanos WNIB 6/29/86, 2/2/92, 9/12/93, 9/14/97, 9/6/98;  This Website

Teresa Berganza [S] TOJ #3/1985; WNIB 3/19/95, 6/22/97, 3/12/00
     Quoted in Obituary in the Washington Post, May 1, 2022
     Quote used in tribute article in Opera News, August, 2022

Sandra Walker   This Website

Stefania Toczyska [I] WNIB 2/22/98;  This Website

Elena Zilio [I] WNIB 6/20/93;  This Website

Sharon Graham TOJ #4/1986

Nijole Ambrazaityte [L] WNIB 2/6/01

Joan Morris [+] WNIB 11/11/86, 5/26/88, 10/3/89, 2/21/98; NU;  This Website

Anita Berry WNIB 11/19/86;  This Website

Felicity Palmer WNIB 3/24/87, 4/3/94, 4/4/99, 9/19/00;  This Website

Susanne Mentzer [2] MN 1/88; WNIB 1/1/89, 7/25/93, 1/19/97, 3/21/99

Diane Curry  This Website

Regina Resnik WNIB 3/29/87, 8/30/87, 8,23,90, 8/23/92;  This Website
     Link to the interview in the comments section of an item celebrating her 100th birthday-anniversary on Slippedisc, August 30, 2022

Giulietta Simionato [ltr] {WNIB 5/22/90};  This Website

Shirley Verrett WNIB 1/10/88, 5/26/91, 2/16/92, 5/26/96;  This Website

Claudine Carlson OS 5/83; WNIB 2/18/95, 2/15/97

Grace Bumbry OS 5/83; WNIB 1/4/87, 4/2/89, 1/5/97;  LyricJub;  TOJ #2/2013

Wendy White MN 1/89

Frederica von Stade [2] WNIB 3/1/92, 6/4/95, 12/10/00;  This Website

Herta Glaz [ph] WNIB 9/12/88, 9/15/93, 9/13/98;  Shoemaker's Opera Group, NYC;  This Website

Anna Reynolds [ph] (WN); WNIB 4/8/90, 10/6/96;  This Website

Sandra Warfield WNIB 8/20/89, 8/4/94, 8/22/99;  This Website

Marilyn Horne WNIB 1/24/89, 5/23/89, 10/23/90, 2/23/92, 1/16/94, 1/17/99;  LyricJub;  TOJ #1/2014

Brigitte Fassbaender WNIB 12/13/88, 4/30/89, 7/9/89, 7/3/94, 7/4/99;  This Website

Maureen Forrester WNIB 3/17/89, 7/24/90, 11/1/92, 7/23/95, 7/22/00; TOJ #1/2018

Dolora Zajick WNIB 1/24/89, 3/24/91, 8/5/91, 3/29/97;  This Website

Patricia Kern WNIB 12/20/92, 7/13/97;  This Website

Jean Kraft TOJ #1/1992; WNIB 1/7/95, 1/2/00

Anne Sophie von Otter WNIB 6/3/90, 12/23/90, 1/26/92, 5/14/95, 1/4/98, 5/7/00

Waltraud Meier WNIB 1/9/91, 4/23/91, 4/11/93, 1/20/96

Jennifer Larmore [2] WNIB 6/19/93, 6/19/94, 4/2/95, 11/3/96, 6/21/98;  This Website

Florence Quivar WNIB 11/29/92, 3/6/94, 12/9/97, 3/7/99;  This Website

Delores Ziegler WNIB 8/14/94, 12/17/95, 9/1/96;  This Website

Marjana Lipovšek WNIB 2/6/94, 7/24/94, 10/22/95, 12/1/96, 1/25/98

Janice Taylor WNIB 5/4/94;  This Website

Martha Lipton [ph] WNIB 8/22/98;  This Website

Birgitta Svendén WNIB 5/29/94, 3/8/97

Hilda Harris WNIB 4/2/94, 1/28/96;  This Website

Constance Beavon WNIB 8/9/97;  This Website

Carol Madalin WNIB 11/13/94

Nancy Maultsby WNIB 10/6/98, 9/5/00;  This Website

Ann Murray WNIB 12/24/95, 3/23/97, 8/29/99;  This website

Della Jones WNIB 5/5/96

Bernadette Manca di Nissa  WNIB 9/26/99;  This Website

Marit Osnes Aambø WNIB 8/30/97

Patricia Adkins-Chiti WNIB 2/6/01

Robynne Redmon WNIB 2/16/97;  This Website

Monica Groop WNIB 11/23/97, 4/19/98

Melanie Sonnenberg [+] WNIB 6/1/97;  This Website

Denyce Graves WNIB 1/2/01;  This Website

Vesselina Kasarova  [G] WNIB 1/11/98, 10/25/98;  This Website

Susan Graham WNIB 7/23/00;  WNUR 9/19/04   TOJ #2/2001
Quote included in the biography on Encyclopedia.com

Michelle DeYoung WNIB 1/7/01;  TOJ #4/2008

Eva Podles WNIB 11/19/00

Patricia Bardon  WNUR 3/24/07, 3/14/15;  CCIR 1/22/08

Gillian Knight   TOJ #2/2004

Janice Felty  WNUR 7/9/06, 1/13/18;  CCIR 4/17/07

Interviews - Counter-Tenor

Jeffrey Gall WNIB 6/24/90, 9/3/00;   TOJ #3/1995

Drew Minter WNIB 1/14/95, 1/16/00

Derek Lee Ragin WNIB 4/23/95, 7/19/98;  This Website

Nigel Short (King's Singers) WNIB 8/13/95, 8/13/00

Christopher Robson WNIB 9/24/95, 12/20/98;  This Website

Interviews - Tenor

Neil Shicoff WNIB 1/15/89, 6/4/89, 1/3/93, 6/5/94, 6/13/99;  This Website

Timothy Jenkins (WN); WNIB 1/19/88

Jerry Hadley [2] MN 7/88; WNIB 1/22/91, 6/15/97

Toni Krämer

Douglas Perry WNIB 2/3/01

Rockwell Blake WNIB 1/13/91, 1/14/96;   This Website

Ugo Benelli WNIB 3/3/91, 1/5/92, 1/22/95, 6/6/99

Jacque Trussel MN 1/93

Gary Lakes WNIB 6/26/88, 1/8/89, 10/7/95, 9/2/00

Jean Cox [ph] WN 1/92; WNIB 3/11/90, 1/12/97
     Permission granted for use of an edited version of the printed copy in the Bayreuth Master Classes of 2013

Carlo Cossutta (not usable) WNIB { / / }, {5/4/97}

James King WNIB 10/15/89, 8/22/93, 5/21/95, 8/10/97, 10/1/00;  TOJ #3/2013

Frank Lopardo WNIB 11,28/89, 12/22/91, 12/27/92, 11/27/94, 12/28/97, 3/29/00

Anthony Rolfe Johnson WNIB 12/24/89, 11/3/90, 4/13/92, 11/5/95, 11/5/00;  This Website
     Quote (translated) used in a profile of the artist in Oubliette Magazine August 30, 2021

Francisco Araiza [2] WNIB 9/27/87, 6/17/90, 10/7/90, 4/5/92, 11/15/92, 10/15/95, 3/8/98, 10/15/00; N&W 9/86;  This Website

Vasile Moldoveanu [I] TOJ #1/1987
     Translated into Romanian, and posted (October 6, 2014) on the website Despre Opera - Impresii dintr-o altă lume [About Opera - Impressions from another world]

Wieslaw Ochman WNIB 5/3/87, 5/2/90, 2/2/97;  This Website

Gregory Kunde WNIB 1/16/90, 1/17/99;  This Website

Carlo Bergonzi WNIB 1/12&27/86, 7/13/89, 7/17/94, 1/10/99, 7/11/99;  LyricJub;  This Website

James McCracken WNIB 6/18/89, 9/8/91, 12/15/91, 12/15/96;  TOJ #4/2013

Michael Ballam   This Website

Gösta Winbergh [2] WNIB 9/23/85, 3/8/87, 9/13/87, 9/22/91, 12/25/93;  This Website

Ragnar Ulfung [ph]  WNIB 10/18/86;  This Website

Chris Merritt [2] WNIB 6/12/88, 9/28/97;  This Website

Dennis O'Neill WNIB 2/28/93, 9/4/94, 8/11/96, 12/27/98

Émil Belcourt [ph]  This Website

Jon Vickers   Report - WN 12/82; Int -  WN 10/86 ; KBYU 3/4/87, etc.; WNIB 10/30/86, 2/21/88, 6/10/90, 10/26/91, 8/20/95, 10/27/96, 1/18/98, 2/1/00;  LyricJub;
     Audio segments from the interview, and conversation with BD about Vickers' artistry aired on the BBC World Service Tribute to Vickers, July 11, 2015;
     Quotes used in article in the Saskatoon StarPhoenix, January 13, 2017, celebrating Canada's 150th birthday. Vickers was one of "150 Saskatchewan people who helped shape the nation."
     Portion of the interview quoted, and link to the full interview in an item on Slippedisc, August 16, 2015

David Gordon OS 11/82; WN 5/82; WNIB 12/7/87, 12/2/89, 12/5/92, 12/7&20/97 (Also Translator for Kurt Moll)

Dennis Bailey WNIB 2/4/01

William Eichorn OS 7/82

Alfredo Kraus OS 8/82; MN 7/82; WNIB 11/27/87, 9/27/92, 9/21/97, 9/12/99

Barry McCauley MN 7/87

Florindo Andreolli [I] OS 12/82

Giuliano Ciannella [I] OS 1/83

Gualtiero Negrini OS 3/83

Hermann Winkler [G]  WN 9/81; WNIB 3/27/94

William Johns WN 11/81

John Mitchinson [+]  WN 2/82; WNIB 7/14/91, 5/23/93, 7/20/96 
     Reposted (in its entirety) in The Wagnerian, July 12, 2011

Frank Little DeP; WNIB 8/28/90;  This Website

André Jobin MN 6/84

Virgilijus Noreika [L] WNIB 9/24/95, 9/24/00

Vyacheslav Polozov [R]  This Website

Peter Dvorský WNIB (")6/9/85, 9/15/96;  This Website

Paul Sperry WNIB 3/2/89, 4/16&17/94, 4/17&19/99;  (")NMC Winter, 2002;  This Website
     Quote from interview included in obituary in The New York Times, June 28, 2024

Robert White WNIB 10/27/96

Kristján Jóhannsson WNIB 9/26/89, 10/3/99

Jonathan Welch WNIB 10/17/89;  This Website

Neil Rosenshein TOJ #1/1993; WNIB 5/1/94, 11/30/97

Gabor Carelli [ph] WNIB 3/18/90, 3/19/95, 3/28/00

Piero De Palma   [I] WNIB 2/15/98;  This Website

David Lloyd WNIB 2/19/95, 2/20/00;  This Website

George Gray WNIB 2/27/90

William Brown WNIB 3/27/93, 3/28/98;  WNUR 3/15/03, 2/7/15;  TOJ #2/2020

Ben Heppner WNIB 7/18/93, 11/20/94, 1/21/96, 2/1/00

Ernst Haefliger WNIB 8/8/93, 7/16/94, 7/11/99;  This Website

Léopold Simoneau [2 + /ph] WNIB 5/1&6/88, 5/2/93, 5/5/96;  LyricJub;  TOJ #3&#4/2014
     Quote cited in 60th anniversary edition of Opera Canada, in Asitha Tennekoon's tribute to Simoneau as one of ten Canadian Icons

Siegfried Jerusalem WNIB 4/19/92, 10/30/94, 4/9/95

John Aler WNIB 12/6/92, 10/2/94, 10/3/99;  TOJ #2/2015

Richard Leech [2] WNIB 3/29/92, 11/2/97, 6/16/98;  This Website

Graham Clark (WN); WNIB 11/21/93, 2/7/00;  This Website

Giuseppe Sabbatini WNIB 5/18/97, 2/9/99, 6/27/99

Keith Lewis WNIB 10/8/95, 10/8/00

José Cura WNIB 11/6/94, 5/14/00

Bonaventura Bottone WNIB 9/17/95, 1/4/00, 9/16/00

Kurt Streit WNIB 11/27/94, 10/17/99;  This Website

Michael Sylvester WNIB 2/4/01;  This Website

Bruce Ford WNIB 10/2/96, 5/10/98, 2/21/99, 9/5/99;  This Website

Kim Begley WNIB 1/21/96, 12/14/97, 11/15/98

Poul Elming WNIB 3/3/96;  This Website

Vinson Cole WNIB 11/12/00;  This Website

Kenneth Riegel WNIB 4/25/98

Richard Margison WNIB 7/12/98, 1/5/99

Peter Schreier   [G] WNIB 7/30/00;  WNUR 3/7/04, 12/24/16;  This Website
     Quote from my interview used in Obituary in The Telegraph (UK), December 27, 2019
Quote from my interview used in Obituary in The New York Times, December 31, 2019 [Different writer and different quoted passage]

Thomas Young WNIB 12/16/97;  This Website

Vincenzo La Scola WNIB 11/25/97

Paul Groves  TOJ #2/1998 ; WNIB 12/12/99

John Vorrasi WNIB 5/30/98;  This Website

Thomas Moser WNIB 6/27/99, 8/6/00;  TOJ #3/2000

Johan Botha WNIB 9/29/98

John Villars WNIB 11/10/98, 10/9/99

Michael Schade WNIB 1/16/00;  This Website

George Shirley WNIB 7/18/99;   TOJ #1/2002

Ryland Davies WNIB 4/25/99;  This Website

Gwyn Hughes-Jones WNIB 10/10&12/99

Laurence Dale WNIB 10/22/00;  This Website

Ian Bostridge WNIB 1/14/01;  TOJ #2/2017

Vladimir Galouzine  [R] WNIB 1/28/01;  This Website

Ramon Vargas WNIB 12/3/00;   This Website

Marcello Giordani WNIB 1/16/01

David Cangelosi   TOJ #4, 2003

Donald Kaasch  TOJ #3, 2010

Carl Tanner  [+]  WNIB 5/28/96;  This Website

Robin Leggate   TOJ #2, 2006

Interviews - Baritone

Sesto Bruscantini OS 12/82; WNIB 12/10/89, 12/11/94, 12/12/99; Shoemaker's Opera Group, NYC

Norman Mittelmann   This Website

Benjamin Luxon [ph] NU; N&W 1/86; WNIB 3/24/87, 3/23/97
     Link to the interview included in the comments section of the obituary on Slippedisc, July 28, 2024

Thomas Stewart
[2] WN 3/82; WNIB 8/29/93, 8/25/96, 4/23/00;  LyricJub

Tom Krause  WN 12/82; WNIB 5/22/88, 7/10/94, 7/6/97, 7/10/99;  This Website

Marko Rothmüller [ph] WNIB 12/26/93, 12/27/98;  This Website
     Permission granted to Gabriela Kaegi to use audio portions in an exhibition about Omanut, a cultural organization to foster Jewish music, co-founded by Rothmüller in Zurich in 1942

J. Patrick Raftery  N&W 11/84

Richard Stilwel  NU; WNIB 5/31/92, 5/3/97;  This Website

Timothy Nolen  NU

Siegmund Nimsgern  OS 4/83; WN 7/83; WNIB 7/31/88, 1/14/90, 1/7/95, 10/26/97, 1/30/00

Noel Tyl  WN 10/80

Cornell MacNeil  WNIB 9/27/87, 9/13/92, 9/21/97;  TOJ #4/2016

Wolfgang Brendel  Avenue M Fall/1985; WNIB 10/25/92, 10/19/97

Piero Cappuccilli   [I] WNIB (")6/30/85, (")3/23/86; 11/12/89, 11/13/94, 11/28/99;  TOJ #4/2017

Pablo Elvira  WNIB 12/18/85, 12/21/86, 12/21/87, 9/26/93, 9/27/98;  This Website

Ingvar Wixell  WNIB 5/19&26/85, 9/2/90, 5/5/91, 11/28/93, 5/12/96

Julian Patrick  WN 7/87
     Permission granted to Michael Hendrick to include excerpts from this interview in his doctoral dissertation at Louisiana State University (LSU) on the topic of Floyd’s Of Mice and Men.

Roger Roloff [2] Report - WN 11/81; Int - WN 2/89  (Photo)

Martial Singher [ph] MN 1/86; {WNIB 8/13/89, 8/14/94}

Sherrill Milnes [2] WNIB 7/6/86, 1/12/88, 1/3/90, 1/8/95; MN 1/90

Hermann Prey WNIB 9/7/86, 7/11/89, 7/17/94, 7/26/98, 7/24/99;  This Website
     This interview was translated into Chinese and published (WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR PERMISSION) in Philharmonic

Peter Glossop [ph] TOJ #2/1993; WNIB 7/5/98

Lenus Carlson TOJ #1/1989

William Stone WNIB 1/21/86;  This Website

Robert Merrill [ph] WNIB 3/2/86, 6/4/87, 6/1/97;  This Website

Renato Capecchi WNIB 5/31/87, 7/10/88, 11/14/93, 1/1/98;  This Website

Alan Titus WNIB 10/25/87, 10/28/90, 10,29/95, 10/29/00

Hartmut Welker WNIB 3/5/95;  This Website

William Parker MN 1/89; WNIB 8/7/93, 8/2/98

Frank Guarrera WNIB 12/18/88, 12/5/93, 12/6/98;  This Website

Leo Nucci WNIB 1/26/88, 5/5/88, 5/14/95, 3/17/96, 4/13/97

Alessandro Corbelli WNIB 12/17/89, 9/1/91, 9/7/97, 7/2/98

Theodor Uppman WNIB 11/20/88, 1/11/90, 11/15/95, 1/9/00;  TOJ #1, 2013

John Shirley-Quirk WNIB 8/31/91, 8/4/96;  This Website

Håkan Hagegård WNIB 1/31/89, 11/25/90, 11/26/95, 11/26/00

Tito Gobbi WNIB Guide (")10/83; WNIB 6/28/87, 10/23/88, 10/24/93, 3/16/97, 10/25/98, 7/9/00;  This Website

Jorma Hynninen WNIB 11/21/89, 4/3/91, 4/7/96

Philip Kraus [2] WNIB 6/19/90, 12/25/90, 6/3/95;  This website

Sir Thomas Allen WNIB 11/24/91, 9/11/94, 5/4/98, 9/5/99;  This Website

Jonathan Summers WNIB 12/4/90, 3/22/92, 2/7/93, 10/12/96

Dale Duesing MN 1/92; WNIB 9/16/95, 9/30/00

William Sharp WNIB 6/1/91, 6/1/96;  This Website

Andreas Schmidt WNIB 12/12/93, 6/18/95, 3/15/98, 12/17/00

Bryn Terfel [2] WNIB 11/19/95, 11/4/00

Thomas Hampson NU; WNIB 9/20/92, 1/30/94, 1/1/95, 6/25/95, 6/25/00;  This Website

Vladimir Chernov WNIB 7/11/93, 12/13/98

Dmitri Hvorostovsky WNIB 11/7/93, 12/4/94, 10/12/97, 12/15/98;  This Website
     Copy of the slightly edited audio was given to the Museum in his hometown of Krasnoyarsk

Franz Grundheber WNIB 6/26/94, 9/14/97

Norman Bailey WNIB 5/22/94, 3/22/98;  This Website

Dwayne Croft WNIB 1/28/96

Sergei Leiferkus WNIB 2/11/96

Roberto Scaltriti WNIB 1/10/95, 6/16/96, 11/30/97

Bo Skovhus WNIB 10/13/96, 4/27/97, 5/17/97, 10/24/99, 9/26/00

Rolando Panerai   [I] WNIB 12/6/98, 10/17/99, 10/15/00;  This Website
     Quote from my interview used in Obituary in France Musique, October 24, 2019
     (Different) quote from my interview used in The New York Times Obituary, October 30, 2019
     Interview linked on the website of ORF (Austrian National Radio), October 31, 2019

Olaf Bär WNIB 12/21/97, 12/21/98

Robert Orth WNIB 7/20&22/97;  This Website

Brent Ellis WNIB 10/21/97;  This Website

Gino Quilico WNIB 2/22/98, 4/30/00

Jubilant Sykes WNIB 6/30/98;  This Website

Brian Davis WNIB 5/29 & 31 & 6/2/98;  This Website

Nicolai Putilin   [R] WNIB 11/22/98;  This Website

David Pittman-Jennings WNIB 3/23/99;  This Website

Lucio Gallo WNIB 1/21/01

Wolfgang Holzmair WNIB 1/28/01

Alexandru Agache WNIB 11/14/00;   TOJ #4, 2001

Russell Braun WNIB 12/24/00

Anthony Michaels-Moore WNIB 12/19/00

Jake Gardner  WNUR 11/9/02, 8/19/17

Rodney Gilfry   TOJ #3, 2003

Gerald Finley  WNUR 6/1/02, 2/2/08, 4/1/17

Wolfgang Schöne 

Interviews - Bass-Baritone

Simon Estes WN 4/83; WNIB 12/14/86, 11/20/89, 3/14/93, 3/1/98

Walter Berry [ph] WNIB 7/21/85, 4/6/89, 4/10/94, 6/28/98, 4/11/99;  This Website

José van Dam WNIB 1/25/87, 5/16/89, 8/22&26/90, 1/17/93, 1/2/94, 8/27/95, 4/6/97, 8/20/00;  This Website

Hermann Becht

Heinz Rehfuss [ph] WNIB 5/24/87, 5/24/92, 5/25/97; This Website

Archie Drake   WN 4/90

Ruggero Raimondi WNIB 12/13/87, 12/11/88, 10/6/96;  This Website

Donnie Ray Albert WNIB 1/8/95, 1/2/00;  This Website

James Morris WNIB 10/2/94;  This Website

Jean-Philippe Lafont
WNIB 2/18/96

Ekkehard Wlaschiha   [G] WNIB 4/16/95, 5/10/98

William Powers  WNUR 8/9/03;  This Website

John Del Carlo  WNIB 2/20/00;   TOJ #4, 2005

Donald Gramm NU; MN 7/85; WNIB 3/5/89, 2/29/92, 2/9/97;  TOJ #3/2015 
     Quote used in a comment on the website Parterre Box (part of a discussion started on May 25, 2023

Arnold Voketaitis [2] WNIB 3/13/86, 5/9/93, 5/14/00;  This Website


Interviews - Bass

Paul Plishka [2] OS 8/82; WNIB 11/5/95, 8/18/96
     Link to the interview included in the comments section of the obituary on Slippedisc, February 5, 2025

Hans Sotin OS 10/82; WN 6/81; WNIB 9/21/89, 9/11/94, 7/20/97, 9/11/99

Monte Jaffe [+] WNIB 6/24/80;  This Website

Nicolai Ghiaurov [2 + I]  N&W 9/84; WNIB {9/5/89}; 9/28/97, 9/19/99;  LyricJub

Nicola Rossi-Lemeni [ph] WNIB 11/18/90, 11/4/95, 11/18/00;  This Website

Michael Langdon WNIB 11/10/85, 11/12/95, 11/19/00;  This Website

Paolo Montarsolo WNIB 12/15/85, 10/16/94, 3/19/95, 2/12/00;  This Website

Terry Cook TOJ #4/1985

Ivo Vinco [+ I] WNIB Guide 4/85; WNIB 11/90/97;  This Website

Italo Tajo NU; WNIB 9/19/89, 4/22/90, 4/4/93, 4/23/95, 4/1/00;  This Website

Kurt Moll [G] [Translation by David Gordon] WN 4/88; WNIB 4/3/88, 4/18/93, 10/7/97, 4/5/98

Gwynne Howell WNIB 11/6/86, 9/24/89, 6/13/93, 6/21/98;  This Website

Stafford Dean [+] NU; WNIB 6/22/97;  This Website

John Macurdy [ph]  This Website
     Quote from my interview used in The New York Times Obituary, May 23, 2020

Spiro Malas WNIB 6/14/87, 10/1/89, 2/11/90, 1/31/93, 10/19/97, 1/25/98;  This Website

Don Garrard [ph]  WN 3/86; WNIB {10/31/99}

Martti Talvela [ph] WNIB 2/4/90, 2/5/95, 2/3/00;  This Website

Bonaldo Giaiotti WNIB 4/5/87, 2/17/91, 5/30/93, 12/14/97

William Wildermann WN 12/89; WNIB 7/23/89, 12/3/89, 12/4/94, 12/5/99

Donald Adams WNIB 12/23/88, 12/19/93

Richard Van Allan [ph] WNIB 7/1/90, 6/11/95, 11/9/97;  This Website

Lorenzo Alvary WNIB 10/4/87, 2/19/89, 2/20/94;  This Website

Gabor Andrassy

Samuel Ramey WNIB 7/30/89, 5/13/90, 1/27/91, 3/16/97;  This Website

Giorgio Tozzi [ph] WN 3/88; WNIB 1/10/93, 1/18/98

Dimitri Kavrakos [Gk] WNIB 11/12/95

Nicola Zaccaria [I] WNIB 4/29/90, 3/7/93, 3/15/98;  This Website

William Warfield WNIB 5/31/88, 1/25/90, 1/21/95, 1/29/00; WNUR 10/5/02, 8/9/14; TOJ #1/1990;
     Northwestern University School of Music Memorial Program 10/6/02
     Cited on the website Afrocentric Voices in "Classical" Music

Myron Myers WNIB 5/24/88

Nicola Ghiuselev WNIB 12/12/89, 11/4/90, 8/11/91, 8/11/96, 6/29/97;  This Website

Robert Lloyd WNIB 3/31/91, 3/26/95, 3/5/00;  This Website

John Tomlinson WNIB 2/14/99;  This Website

Claudio Desderi WNIB 4/25/93;  This Website

Jerome Hines WNIB 4/24/94, 11/10/96;  TOJ #3/1994

Jan-Hendrik Rootering WNIB 1/9/94, 3/12/95, 6/8/97, 3/19/00;  This Website

Andrew Foldi WNIB 2/6/90, 7/21/91;  TOJ #2/2021

Max van Egmond WNIB 10/31/89, 2/4/96;  This Website

Matthias Hölle WNIB 12/11/94, 9/1/96, 9/30/97

Ferruccio Furlanetto
   WNIB 5/3/92, 5/8/94, 5/23/99;  This Website

Eric Halfvarson TOJ #3/1996; WNIB 3/30/97, 10/13/98

Roberto Scandiuzzi WNIB 1/7/01

Franz-Josef Selig WNIB 12/24/00

Alexander Anisimov [R] WNIB 2/2/97

Carlo Colombara [I] WNIB 3/2/97, 5/17/97, 12/7/99

Sergei Alexashkin [R] WNIB 5/3/98, 1/12/99, 1/18/00

Robert Holl WNIB 5/31/98, 1/12/99, 1/18/00

Mark S. Doss WNIB 12/23/97;  TOJ #2/1999

Raymond Aceto WNIB 2/17/98

Andrea Silvestrelli  [I] WNIB 1/9/01

Franz Hawlata  TOJ #1/2008


Interviews - Actor/Narrator

Werner Klemperer [ph] WNIB 9/22/85, 7/31/90, 5/13/95, 3/13/99;  This Website

Peter Ustinov WNIB 5/23/92, 4/13/96;  TOJ #1/2015

Production Personnel

Interviews - Stage Director & Designer

Frank Galati WNIB 4/6/79;  This Website

Harold Prince WNIB 10/16/90;  TOJ #3/2008

Lotfi Mansouri N&W 11/86

François Rochaix [+]  WN Summer/1986;  [Also Translator for Armin Jordan]

Nathaniel Merrill  TOJ #2/1986

Elijah Moshinsky (NU); (WN); WNIB 1/6/91, 1/7/96, 9/16/97

Giulio Chazalettes WNIB 12/26/89

Patrick Bakman [+] WNIB 1/26/86;  This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001

Linda Brovsky [+] WNIB 3/9/86;  This Website

Sonja Frisell [ph]  [N&W]

David Gately [2 [1st +]] WNIB 5/18/86, 5/19/87;  This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001

August Everding WN 10/88; WNIB 10/31/93, 1/31/99

Sir Peter Hall WNIB 11/8/87, 11/25/90;  This Website

Sandro Sequi WNIB 9/13/88, 11/20/90; TOJ #4/1993

Bodo Igesz TOJ #1/1995

Frank Corsaro TOJ #4/1990

Arthur Masella WNIB 4/5/88;  This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001

Charles Nelson Reilly WNIB 4/19/88;  TOJ #1/2019

Richard Pearlman WNIB 2/7/89;  This Website

Dominic Missimi WNIB 5/9/89;  This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001

Charles Kondek [+] WNIB 6/11&13/89; TOJ #2/1990

Carl Ratner  [Also Administrator]  [3 +/+//+] WNIB 8/29/89, 5/22/94; #1 - This Website;  #2 - This Website;  #3 - This Website

Peter Sellars TOJ #2/1992

Pier Luigi Samaritani WNIB / /90;  This Website

Robert Tannenbaum WNIB 2/10/91;  This Website

Sam Wanamaker WNIB 12/19/93;  This Website

Robert Israel  WN Summer/1986

Jörg Zimmerman [G]

Robert Wilson WNIB 9/11/90; TOJ #4/1991

John Copley WNIB 1/ /89, 6/27/93, 10/14/97, 6/14/98;  This Webpage

Rhoda Levine WNIB 2/9/88;  This Website

Mary Zimmerman [+] WNIB 5/28/95;  This Website

David Alden WNIB 1/15/94, 12/1/98, 11/6/99

Charles Edwards

Marc Verzatt [+] WNIB 4/17/94;  This Website

John Cox WNIB 11/13/94;  TOJ #3/2016

John Conklin WNIB 1/22/95, 3/10/96;  TOJ #3/2007 

Nicholas Joël WNIB 2/10/98

John Pascoe WNIB 11/8/98;  This Website

Christopher Alden WNIB 10/31/00

Harry Silverstein   Web 3/01 [article with quotes from the interview];  This Website [complete interview]


Interviews - Producer/Coach/Prompter

Janine Reiss (")OS 11/82; DeP; WNIB 9/11/88, 3/4/90, 7/14/96;  TOJ #2/2018
     Link to the interview included in the obituary on Slippedisc, June 2, 2020

Boris Goldovsky TOJ #2/1988; WNIB 6/6/93

Robert Gay TOJ #4/1988; WNIB 7/19/87, 11/14/93

Walter Ducloux WNIB 5/20/90, 4/18/93; This Website

Jane Klaviter  TOJ #4/1987

Interview - Ballet Master

Maria Tallchief WNIB 1/28/95, 1/22/00;  LyricJub;  TOJ #3/2006
     Portion of the text used in the animation for the Google Doodle, November 14, 2020


Interview - Captain of Supers

Ken Recu   TOJ #4/1994

Interviews - Backstage Personnel

William Fosser [Puppet Master] WNIB 9/15/98


WNIB series Backstage at Lyric Opera 10-12/98 & 1-3/99

Duane Schuler [Lighting Designer] WNIB 11/4/98, 1/23/99; TOJ #4/1998

Drew Landmesser [Technical Director; later Deputy General Director and COO] WNIB 10/21/98, 1/9/99;  This Website

Caroline Moores & John Coleman [Stage Managers] WNIB 10/28/98, 1/16/99

Thomas Gilbert [Property Master] WNIB 11/18/98, 2/6/99;  TOJ #1/2021

Hugh Pruett [Costume Director (Wardrobe Master)] WNIB 11/25/98, 2/13/99;  This Website

Stan Dufford [Wig Master & Makeup Designer] WNIB 12/2/98, 2/20/99;  This Website

Marina Vecci & Josie Campbell [Production Managers] WNIB 12/16/98, 3/6/99

     [Note that Mason is listed below, and Bartoletti and Palumbo are listed farther up on this page] 



Interviews - Manager/Public Relations

Brian McMaster [Welsh National Opera] [+] WN 2/82
     Reposted (in its entirety) in The Wagnerian, July 12, 2011

Speight Jenkins [Seattle Opera] WNIB 3/6/86

Alan Stone [4] [Chicago Opera Theater] WNIB 2/20/79, 1/8/80, 2/6/83, 4/9/91; OS 2/83;  This Website
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001
     Link included in the History of the Company narrative on the Chicago Opera Theater website

Susan Lipman [4] [Performing Arts Chicago] WNIB 4/24/86, 9/18/86, 9/10/87, 3/30/88

Joan Lettvin WNIB 11/3/86

Kurt Herbert Adler [ph] [San Francisco Opera] WN 9/90; {WNIB 4/2/95}

Norma Williams WNIB 5/21/87

Marc Belfort [Zurich Opera]   TOJ #2/1989

Glynn Ross [Seattle Opera, Arizona Opera] TOJ #4/1989

Ardis Krainik [Lyric Opera of Chicago]  TOJ #3/1989 ; WNIB 9/12/89
     Permission granted to Carl Ratner for use in the dissertation Chicago Opera Theater: Standard Bearer for American Opera 1976-2001

Bengt Olof Engström WNIB 5/26/90, 5/25/96

Martin Feinstein [National Opera, Washington, D.C.]  TOJ #1/1991

Henry Fogel [Chicago Symphony Orchestra] WNIB 10/23/90;  This Website

Danny Newman [2] [Lyric Opera of Chicago] WNIB 1/22/89, 1/23/94;  LyricJub;  This Website (#2 only)

William Mason [Lyric Opera of Chicago] WNIB 10/14/98, 1/2/99;  This Website

Anita Whalen [Woodstock Mozart Festival]   (")Web 7/01

Interviews - Record Producer

Ted Perry [Hyperion Records] WNIB 11/20/90;  This Website

Stan Kitchen [Polyphonic Records] WNIB 5/7/94

Wilma Cozart Fine [Mercury Records] WNIB 2/10/96;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it

Robert von Bahr
[Bis Records] WNIB 1/2/99;  This Webstie

James Ginsburg [Cedille Records] WNIB 11/13/99;  This Website

Interviews - Author/Critic/Historian/Etc.

Michael Hardwick NU

Hans Heinsheimer [ph] NU; WNIB 9/22/90, 9/30/95, 9/30/00;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation

Nicolas Slonimsky [ph] WNIB 4/29/89, 4/24/94, 4/24/99;  This Website

Bernard Jacobson NU; WNIB 9/23/89, 9/24/94;  This Website

Harold Rosenthal NU

Edward Downes [ph]  TOJ #3/1986

Anne Bessand-Massenet [ph] MN 1/88

The Earl of Harewood [ph]  TOJ #1/1988

Joseph Coolidge (about Peggy Stuart Coolidge) WNIB 7/19/88; 7/18/93

Lawrence Weschler (about Ernst Toch) WNIB 12/6/87, 12/6/97

Gottfried Helfrich Wagner

George Jellinek [2] WNIB 12/ /89, 9/17/95 (LIVE);  This Website

Andrew Porter WNIB 8/31/88, 8/22/93, 8/30/98;  This Website;
     Quoted in tribute article in OPERA Magazine, June, 2015
     Quoted in obituary posted on the NPR website, April 3, 2015

Hans Åstrand WNIB 5/27/89; 2/1/90, 5/27/95, 2/5/00

Philip Gossett WNIB 10/9/88, 9/29/96; TOJ #3/1991
     Quoted in obituary posted on the Gramilano website, June 14, 2017

Robert C. Marsh WNIB 8/6/89, 8/27/94;  This Website

Sarah Zelzer WNIB 10/3/90

William Malloch WNIB 8/24/96, 4/26/97

Ruby Mercer  This Website

Stanley Sadie WNIB 12/13/92, 10/28/95, 10/29/00;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it
     Permission granted to Edy Classic to publish a portion of the Happa-no-Kofu translation

Thomas Willis WNIB 4/25/93, 4/25/98;  NU Memorial Service 11/21/04;  This Website

Paul Fromm WNIB 9/30/86; 9/15/91, 9/29/96;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it

Karl Haas
WNIB 10/2/90, 12/3/94;  This Website
     Permission granted to Happa-no-Kofu to translate this interview into Japanese and publish it

Antonín Dvorák, IV

Paul Polansky (Author of book on Dvorák) [+]

Dominique-René de Lerma WNIB 12/4/93, 12/5/98

Wang Jue WNIB 9/17/94, 2/11/95

Ambassador Huang Jiahua WNIB 9/17/94, 2/11/95

___ (Deputy Mayor of Shanghai)

Anne Gray

Artis Wodehouse [2]  WNIB 10/22/94

Judith Tick (About Ruth Crawford Seeger) WNIB 3/22/98

S.M. Tarjan (About Jerome Moross) WNIB 8/1/98

Interview - Artist

James Mesplé WNIB 9/28/99  (To view some of his artwork, click  HERE )


Symbols, abbreviations, and other indications

WNIB = Aired on WNIB, Classical 97, Chicago

WNUR = Aired on WNUR-FM, 89.3, Evanston-Chicago
     NOTE:  Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, WNUR was shut down for seveal weeks beginning in March, 2020.  At that point, because my programs had been re-runs for a
     couple of years, I gave all of the shows (which were made and delivred on CD) to the station.  They can now air whichever segments they want on any date(s) they choose.

podcast = availability of WNUR program on downloadable podcast via Classical and Beyond website

CCIR = Contemporary Classical Internet Radio - date is first airing, with two repeats the following days at different times

KBYU = Aired on KBYU-FM, Classical 89, run by Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah  

LMA = Lincoln's "Music in America" (Nationally syndicated broadcast series)

YALE = Acquired by the Oral History of American Music Archive at Yale University

NU = Placed in the Archive of Contemporary Music at Northwestern University

NEC = Placed in the Archive at the New England Conservatory

DeP = Placed in the Archive at De Paul University

Web = Posted on the internet [World Wide Web]

LyricJub = Lyric Opera Jubilarian [audio segment posted on their website]  (May, 2004 -   )

Classical Connect = Posted on that internet site   

WMBR = [MIT Campus Radio station]  Spoken quotation(s) used on Alley Stoughton's weekly program "Not Brahms and Liszt" 


WN = Wagner News (Published by the Wagner Society of America)

MN = Massenet Newsletter (Published by the Massenet Society)

N&W = Nit & Wit Magazine (Published in Chicago)

TOJ = The Opera Journal (Published by the National Opera Association)

Ave M = Avenue M Magazine (Published in Chicago)

OS = Opera Scene (Published by Bruce Duffie)

SONUS = Sonus Magazine (Published in Boston)

Inst = Instrumentalist Magazine (Published in Northbrook)

CT = CityTalk Magazine (Published by Window to the World Communications, PBS in Chicago)

NMC = New Music Connoisseur (Published by Composers Concordance, Inc)

   <<For a list of those interviews which have been posted on my personal website, click  HERE .>>

Airlines (In-Flight Programs Produced by Music in the Air, Inc.)

UAL = United Airlines (also used aboard Air Force One, the President's Jet)

EAL = Eastern Airlines;  NW = Northwest Airlines;  Delta = Delta Airlines

Symbolic indications

[2] = Two separate interviews with guest

[/] = First interview; [//] = second interview

[+] = More than one guest

[ph] = phone interview; [ph] = special recording setup on phone

[ltr] = interview via letter; [via] = my questions asked by intermediary

(") = Quotes from interview read by B.D. on the air or used in published article

(  ) = interview scheduled to appear, or proposed for indicated location

{ } = Music of the artist, but no interview on that program

Languages (Translated interviews)

I = Italian; S = Spanish; G = German; F = French; R = Russian;

Gk = Greek; L = Lithuanian; U = Ukranian; J = Japanese

E = English (Guest spoke some English, or only English at second interview)


To see a list of those interviews which appear on this website, click HERE

To view Bruce Duffie's Personal Website, click  HERE

To send him E-Mail, click  HERE  
